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Friday, June 27, 2014

What is Martin O'Malley thinking?

On a Friday night two weeks ago, Democrats in Manchester, New Hampshire, packed a half-size banquet room for a party fundraiser. Like everyone else with access to cable TV or the Internet these days, the politicians and activists in the room already knew whom Democrats were going to nominate for president in 2016. So did the national political reporters back in Washington, who had been stalking Hillary Clinton's book signings like little girls lining up to see Queen Elsa at Disneyland, but who didn't even bother making the trip to New Hampshire.

About the only one who didn't seem to know the score was Martin O'Malley, the square-jawed, serious-minded governor of Maryland, who stood at the podium delivering a dry keynote speech on the War of 1812, because this was a Flag Day event, and O'Malley might have gotten a bit carried away with the premise. This was his second New Hampshire speech in six months, and he'd spend the following weekend in Iowa.

O'Malley persists in behaving like a man who is actually running for president. So what exactly does he know ― or think he knows ― that the rest of us don't?



  1. He is a brainless IDIOT and you need a brain to think.

  2. The comments are hilarious. The fact that the author of this goofy piece believes that MOM doesn't have a clear vision like Fauxcahontas is mind numbing.

  3. I'm not taking sides or endorsing O'Malley as a presidential candidate, but to specifically answer the posted question regarding what he knows that the rest of us don't. I think he knows that Hillary Clinton's nomination, like LBJ, Hubert Humphrey, and other favored Democrats in the past is not a slam dunk. If that is the case then someone needs to position themselves to represent the Democrats.

  4. The omalley's are goofy SOB's. He's nothing more than the democrat useful idiot with his head shoved up obamas butt and his wife is dopey. Every time you see her she has her head tilted to the side like she has tardive dyskinesia or something. She might. It can be caused by taking antipsychotic medicines. No woman in her right mind would breath the same air as omally much less marry him. He a foul human being and a poor excuse for a parent in the way he lies pathologically and his total disregard for the children's future.

  5. nobody ever herd of Barack Obama, either. Both are friends of George Soros....


  6. Funny answer first: "All I see is brown and it smells like the 'bury WWTP here."

    As earlier poster noted Mrs. Bill Clinton was on her way to a coronation in 2008 when her carriage went under the bus.

    Same carriage today except the dowager proved grossly ineffective in her first real job, as Sec. of State, and she took a Humpty Dumpty. If she can't pass the physical the rest of the donkey herd will be milling around the corral and OweMalley will have a head start. He's hoping to play banjo for Arsenio Hall to show his cool!

  7. he dose not know how too think. map


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