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Monday, June 30, 2014

Virginia Schools To Reduce Suspension Days

The Obama administration is urging school systems nationwide to move away from tough discipline that includes lengthy suspensions. At least one school system in our area has ordered changes to soften the way it punishes students.

Fairfax County Public Schools' so-called zero tolerance rules have been criticized as harsh, and The Washington Post has even ascribed the tough measures to at least once case of a student suicide back in 2011.

Now the disciplinary rules are changing. Fairfax Schools are reducing the number of offenses that call for suspension, and reducing the length of some suspensions from ten days to five -- the goal is to keep kids in class by promoting alternative forms of discipline.



  1. Stop suspending the minority kids disproportionately!

    Even though they cause the most trouble!

  2. Wicomico county does that already. Rarely are the discipline rules followed for minority students. Many teachers have already given up trying to uphold the rules because a lack of back up by administration and the board. Different sets of rules for different sets of kids.

  3. 11:43 - and everyone wonders why they grow up so uncivilized.

    Some good discipline (starting at home - never mind, most times doesn't even exist) would make good citizens out of these students!

  4. All schools are or will soon have to adopt this policy otherwise fed grants are withheld until the school can show a reduction is suspensions. States like MD with useful idiots as governors will withhold state grant money as well. Then when all the schools are showing this reduction in suspensions the politicians will claim they've reduced the behavior problems within the schools.
    It's the same concept with the Safe Streets horse crap. While most were applauding it, I knew how it really works. Communities that show a reduction in crime are eligible so this gives the PD's an incentive to start downgrading crime, thus making it appear crime is down which then gives the elected officials a bragging platform.

  5. If you can't make the kids behave, punish the adults who try.

  6. Another ridiculous law.. Just build more jails because, if they are allowed to behave the way they do they will undoubtedly become part of the criminal justice system. When does it make it ok for the kids to run the schools?? Thats what we have now in our schools. Wrong is wrong, I don't care what color they are.

  7. It's all about stopping the suspension of black kids. That is why Mark Thompson has the job that he has. He is paid by Federal government funds to teach the administration and the staff that it is wrong to suspend black kids.

    This is the take over of America by the black folk. Stand by you idiots.

  8. Merely make the oldest most run down school in the district the school for the animals; complete with locking doors and bunk space. You learn to behave, you get to go back with the humans. You can't figure it out, you stay in the animal house.


    Guess where your next stop will be?


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