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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Update On Brooke Mulford 6-18-14

News is not what I was hoping regarding Brooke's scans... Her cancer has progressed and she now has a second tumor that is located at C7 (in her neck). Apparently it has been there since Feb scans (just prior to starting this trial). At that time I saw her thyroid area light up very brightly during her MIBG scan - I was concerned but was reassured that it was not NB and was lighting up because... she had missed a dose of her SSKI drops that protect her thyroid during the scans (she missed the dose because the scans were done last minute and the drops are supposed to start the day prior to the nuclear medicine injection. Then during her next set of scans in April that area lit up again but lighter and I was even more concerned because this time she did not miss a dose. Extra imaging was done in that area but radiologist again said was not NB. So today when it lit up again and yet more imaging was done in that area my gut told me this was progression and a call from Dr Maris soon after confirmed my fear. He said that it does look lighter than it looked initially and her tumor on L4 is also a little smaller. Because technically the progression occurred just prior to starting this trial and not while she was on it she can stay on this trial and that is likely what we will decide to do since both tumors seem to be responding. I will be meeting with Dr Maris tomorrow afternoon to discuss this more. They were able to get her in a little while ago to have a CT scan done of her neck and she is now getting a platelet transfusion back in the oncology day hospital. Tomorrow morning she will get a bone marrow biopsy. Please pray for my baby - progression is a very scary thing with this awful NB. I'm trying my best to be strong and holding on to the fact that it least seems to be responding.


  1. sending prayers.

  2. My sister is going through breast cancer tx will send prayers to her also.

  3. I can't even begin to imagine what you have gone through. Brooke is a tough, amazing little girl for fighting as hard as she is. Let us know if you need anything or want anything for Brooke. Also our community will help you and your husband in any way that we can. If it's a shoulder to cry on or someone to come and sit with Brooke for a few hours or even a few minutes just to allow yourself to take a step away and take a deep breath, please let us know. As always, prayers for Brooke and prayers for your family.

  4. Faith Trumps everything in life! Stay strong!

  5. Praying for your family.

  6. Praying for your Family


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