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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Today's Survey Question 6-13-14

Do you think Americans are fat?


  1. I think more than half the population is overweight in America.

  2. Either that or my arms are getting shorter.I can barely reach my computer keyboard.

  3. Yes, Americans are too fat. Too many are fat because of their lack of work and exercise, and their diets. For instance, fast food restaurants may be convenient but mostly unhealthy.

  4. Some are really fat... and drunk and stupid.

  5. yes! and now we have to pay more for our medical insurance because of it

  6. yes. its also a joke to see so many of them on food stamps.

  7. You better believe they are.

  8. Hush 10:28, don't talk about the Born Here's like that.

  9. Some are like hog heads....

  10. Yes and I don't think it's diet so much as laziness which prevents people from getting much needed exercise.
    As someone who spends time among the Amish, I know this to be true. Their diet isn't complete without massive amounts of fats and sugars. A quart of strawberries gets nearly a cup of sugar in that culture. Very few Amish children and adults comparatively, can be considered overweight. This due to the amount of physical activity involved in their day to day life.

  11. I have to agree with a lot of the comments about physical activities.

    Even as I get older it seems really easy to put on the pounds, especially in the winter.

    Last summer I did a LOT of physical work at our home in Ocean City and I lost 35 pounds. Unfortunately I probably gained it all back over the winter because I didn't do physical stuff.

    Now that I'm back in OC I've already lost 10 pounds and look forward to getting back to last summers waist size.

    Honestly, I hate working out, just don't have the mind set for is and I'm sure a LOT of people feel the same way.

    At least I know what works for me and it's great not having to diet in the summer.

    So yes, half the year I'm one of those FAT Americans and the other half of the year I'm not.

  12. I agree it's lack of physical activity that causes obesity. I'm 5'4" and had always been 115-120 lbs until I reached 40. Then I went up to around 130 lbs. Last year we acquired a 10 week old puppy, so at 50 yrs of age I spent each and every day outside with him, playing kickball, tug of war, fetch, and just walking around. When he would plop down to nap outdoors, I would take the opportunity to do yard work, so he wasn't left outside unsupervised. I dropped 10 lbs (and the gardens never looked better) without changing my diet habits at all and as a matter of fact consumed many more calories because I was eating the heck out of those Freezee Pop popsicles.

  13. Workout desks are becoming more and more popular.

  14. yes. lazy and stupid too.

  15. yes, except for my wife... she is not fat... even tho I dont think she reads this blog I have to cover my ass

  16. Anonymous said...
    Hush 10:28, don't talk about the Born Here's like that.

    June 13, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    If you don't like the born here's the get the hell out.

    From a come here!

  17. Americans are disgustingly over weight. Consumption of sugary drinks and out-of-control Portion sizes are why.
    Americans need to take pride in themselves again.
    We are no longer a nation that other aspire to, but a nation that others poke fun at.

  18. No, now pass me a donut.

  19. Darn right and the clothes detergents (all brands) are shinking up my clothing.LOL

    Seriously, I'm realy getting tired of seeing all the fat hogs riding the electric carts at supermarkets, Walmart, etc. Don't you have no conscious (cooth) ?? They are for people with real handicaps... not government assistance SLUGS.


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