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Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Whole Story

Hello Joe, 

I encourage everyone to go to the PAC14 archives and view last night's County Council meeting. It was a real show. Someone must be getting concerned about what is being posted on blogs about BOE expenditures on about 164 thousand dollars being spent at numerous food and bar/grill establishments. The show appeared to be a typical union display at which they brought out twenty-five year veteran bookkeeper Wendy Catlin and a number of fellow bookkeepers holding cute little yellow signs. The signs were displayed whenever Ms. Catlin cued them by saying, "the whole story". Now you won't be able to see their signs on the video but you will see Ms. Catlin look over each time she says those words. The purpose of this tactical drill is to convince you, the taxpayer, that they have done nothing wrong and then they can go on an attack the messengers. You know, Joe Holloway, the blogs or anyone who dares to question them. This is all typical union rhetoric. I could tell by the other bookkeeper's body language that they didn't seem to really want to be there, but minions must do what the unions say.It's a shame that these unions aren't waking up to the fact that taxpayers and teachers (Yes, I did say teachers also) just don't buy their crap any more. (Watch the negative responses I get by guess who? Bet they don't sign their name.) Ms. Catlin goes on to explain how many of the different funds that they have are not taxpayers dollars. They are called, Social Kindness Funds, and they pay dues and get money from vending machines and they can spend the funds any way they want. I'm sure this is true. And since they are bookkeepers then they should have no problem in showing the council how much of the 164K is from Social Kindness Funds.I would like to have Ms. Catlin go to the PAC14 archives and view the fourth budget hearing at which her boss, Dr. Fredericksen, starts tap dancing when council members start asking about these funds. He tries distraction by going off on a tangent about poor children's privacy rights and gets the council members so frustrated that they just seem to throw up their hands and give up. The whole show ends up by playing "Let's Make A Deal " where Mr. Fredericksen readily agrees to turn over some material as some sort of test of confidence or something. Watch it, he's really good. Hey Council members, did any of you get all the information you asked for yet? Come on now, I know you read this blog so how about one of you responding so the taxpayers can get an answer. What about you Mr. Creamer, have you received any of your requests so far.

Ms. Catlin then goes on the attack again by saying ", yes, the taxpayers do have a right to know what salaries are and how money is spent but that the medias don't have the right to accuse them of being untruthful with a lot of innuendos and not telling "The Whole Story" like Mr. Holloway in the newspaper. She then tells everyone that she'll go home, make her lunch and go to bed with a clear conscious because she told "The Whole Story".

Well Ms. Catlin, The Whole Story hasn't been told yet. And perhaps those items on the list in your name did come out of the Social Kindness Fund. And perhaps those items on the list in say Margo Handy's name for Brew River, Back Street Grill, Goin Nuts Cafe, My Turn To Cook also came out of the Social Kindness Fund but how will we ever know if the Whole Story doesn't come out.

How about this Ms. Catlin, we all believe mistakes have been made. 
If they were, then let's bring it all out in the open and give the Council what they ask for and if changes have to be made then let's do it and go on from there. I know we have a tremendous number of great teachers in Wicomico County, is it fair to them to let this go on? I don't think so. 

John Palmer, 
Delmar Md.


  1. Even if they are using funds that are not tax payer paid funds.. They should not be used to by food and beverage! That is just so wrong in so many ways.. Use the money to buy pencils, pens and supplies so the parents do not have to buy them and send them into the SOCIALIST kitty of supplies.

  2. I am so glad someone finally addressed this ladies comments at the council meeting. I was kinda taken back with her attitude. Made me actually think she was telling "the whole story" You should copy link to video.

  3. If you have "social kindness funds" use them for class room supplies, science kits and educational enrichment. The BOE spending habits are not acceptable...especially in a school system where so much is still needed for academic success.

  4. Is the Social Kindness fund some kind of shadow budget that goes undocumented?

  5. Great post Mr Palmer thank you for keeping us informed.

  6. 25 years of hiding things in the books! Yeah great job Lady! What's wrong are we stepping on your toes??????????

  7. I watched this dog and pony show this was absurd, Wendy Catlin was nothing more than a mouthpiece for the BOEs agenda quit bitchen with your mouth full.Put this money in the classrooms

  8. First of all you don't know if she is a member of a union or not. Secondly you are all pissed because she spoke the truth. She is a bookkeeper and it is not fair to hold her responsible for what others spend.

  9. Wendy is a wannabe, talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Remeber when she worked at the boot camp and lost her job. Why is she into it and have no clue.Money facts are there why up hold them when there wrong. To muching kisssssingggggggg up Wendy. Get with the program.

  10. Get rid of public education, BOE, dept. of ed. all of it. Go to strictly a voucher system for private schools.
    make teachers work for their pay.

  11. Does anyone know if the employment guidelines under which these folks have county issued credit cards was violated? Simply spending the money is not an admission of some type of wrongdoing with "taxpayer funds" regardless of how we individually feel. If the guidelines permit this spending then that is what needs to be addressed. Lets look at this professionally and not hysterically.

  12. 3:51, if you do that, you won't find villains. If you don't find villains, this loses all impact for the elections. Of course, that's if anyone who reads this is dumb enough to fall for the manipulations.

  13. 3:24 pm. What an ignorant comment to make. WHY does everything about education always insinuate a teacher doesn't work for the pay received? I invite you into my classroom any day or night, yes, night to work on the lesson plans, grade papers, call parents, take continuing education classes to stay certified. Face it, there is NO perfect government operated business. Is there money misused? Probably, it always happens! But, those of us reading these posts went through these schools and enjoyed all the extra things a principal bought with school funds. Stop being so hypocritical and think you all know all the answers. If you think you do, run for a BOE position or apply to these positions you seem to have a Master's degree in already! We sure could use your assistance in making WCBOE run smoothly. In addition, those social kindness funds are used to help a staff send flowers for illness, death, new babies, etc. We put enough of our own blood, sweat, and tears into education as a teacher along with countless dollars to make a classroom enjoyable and inviting. I am sure your work does dinner, lunch, or something around holidays too. Have a great summer to all of us hard working teachers! Enjoy your time off around all the non paid professional development and continuing education courses you need to take.

  14. Teachers should be the ones most concered about these crazy expendtures since a lot of them have to spend their own money on class room supplies.

  15. 8:40 a.m. - How dare you expect ME to pay for YOUR kids' pencils and paper! You are ridiculous!!!

  16. Social Kindness funds (100% employees' personal money) pay for retirement gifts, wedding and baby gifts, sympathy flowers, etc. If, at the end of the school year, there are funds left over, the Social Kindness Committee votes on how the money should be spent. Employees pay for our OWN kids' supplies - we should NOT be expected to pay for YOUR kids' supplies out of our POCKETS. (Although many do provide for needy students from their own money.) Schools have NEVER been responsible for providing pencils and paper to students. This is NOT taxpayer money, so buy your own pencils.

    I agree that explanations are in order for some of the spending. I can tell you that most schools have an end of year dinner where every employee gives payment for his/her meal in advance to the school bookkeeper. The bookkeeper then writes ONE check to the restaurant so there's no need for 40 separate checks. Some schools do this at Christmas as well.

    I truly wish the BOE would EXPLAIN many of these expenses so you all can get your panties out of a wad. We all want and deserve an explanation, but ASSume you know something before an explanation is offered, and make ignorant judgements and comments on this blog that are so wrong. And, NO, I am NOT a BOE bookkeeper.

  17. we just want the "truth". we're longing for honest leadership and accountability. stop spending OUR hard earned dollars on your food and entertainment.
    Mr. Palmer, thank you for your interest in seeing that the BOE and other government agencies are open, transparent and held accountable.
    it's so unfortunate we can no longer trust our leaders to be honest and forthright. they continue to twist the truth, deceive, and outright lie. they line their own pockets and think nothing of it. we need to continue to Question Everything, Audit and demand accountability.

  18. I watched the meeting and Miss Catlin's comments. I think she had some valid points. What I don't understand is if the newspaper and blogs could get copies of receipts how come your local county council can't. Can someone enlighten me?

  19. The real reason that no written documentation has been provided yet is because they are scrambling to hide things. The documentation that will be eventually be provided you can bet has been changed. They are going through paperwork left and right and trying to make things on the books look justified. Things will be categorized differently. That's why we have the "Dog and Pony Show" going on now. They are just trying to make it look like all expenditures were necessary while they fix the books so we look like we have the whole story. It's a bunch of crap and we know it.

  20. If its social kindness funds raised by the school employees why does the board of ed have anything to do with it. If its the enployees why does the money have to go into the Board of Education account period. Does'nt make sense if employees raise the money among themselves it stay with them. Mighty fishy story. Is it just another LIE

  21. 2:42 am...I explained WHY the money goes through the BOE books - It is EMPLOYEE money that goes into the Social Kindness Fund so that the school, on behalf of the employees, can send flowers, etc. to other employees from the employees as a whole. Maybe you should READ the whole post. It is NOT a lie, it's been done this way for years. It is EMPLOYEE money, spent only when the Social Kindness Committee approves based on RULES set forth for expenditures by that Committee. The money DOES stay with the employees in the employee's Social Kindness Fund. Maybe your comprehension skills need a little boost.


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