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Friday, June 27, 2014

The Clintons Just Can’t Stop Lying About Their Wealth

You have to give the Clintons credit. Some politicians just lie once and move on. The Clintons however really dig into a lie. They cover it over with more lies and act offended when you don’t believe them.

First Hillary Clinton claimed that they were dead broke when they left the White House. And by dead broke, she meant in a position to buy a mansion so she could run for president.

Then she said that she “wasn’t truly well off” after the couple earned over $100 million.

Now Bill Clinton had to jump in.

“I think I had the lowest net worth of any American president in the 20th Century when I took office,” he offered, unsolicited.

Considering that Harry Truman left the White House with nothing but a $112 army pension, that’s obviously not true.

“Had it not been for the fact that I was able to sell some property that my brother, sister, and I inherited from our mother, I would practically be on relief, but with the sale of that property I am not financially embarrassed,” Truman had said.

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton had earned $188,547 in 1991 mostly thanks to Bill’s political connections. (That’s around $328,000 today.)

Their net worth was between $350,000 and $1,000,000. Since Hillary’s wealth was a contested issue, it was hard to nail down.



  1. Bill Clinton = serial liar
    Barry Dunham Sotero = serial liar

    first black president = serial liar
    first half black president = serial liar

    Philosophically: Two peas from same diseased pod.

  2. "I did not have sex with that woman."

  3. If they are a Democrat they are a liar.

  4. the Clintons can't stop lying; period...

  5. The Presidential pension was created because of Truman's dire financial situation.

  6. who the f-ing cares. why dose she keep coming up in the news. she is and always be a liar. yet no one cares what she did or didn't do. but of course it is not her fault. if you buy that I have bridge I would like sell. map

  7. Vote for Hillary to continue the downward moral and economic spiral of America.


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