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Friday, June 06, 2014

The Bill of Rights?

On the same weekend that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs resigned amidst the scandal of veterans dying before the government’s doctors could treat them in government hospitals, on the heels of another revelation of NSA unconstitutional spying in which federal agents have been seizing the digital images of our loved ones and friends that have accompanied our emails, and a week after the White House intentionally or negligently revealed the true identity of the CIA station chief in Afghanistan, President Obama announced a new foreign policy initiative called “No One Left Behind.” The reference was to the sole service member then held in captivity in the venue of America’s longest war, the one most Americans have forgotten: Afghanistan.

Late last week, Obama announced the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban for more than five years. Bergdahl apparently shed his weapons and equipment, sent his personal belongings home, and walked into the hands of his captors one day, unwilling to remain a part of his military unit and largely ignorant of the fate that faced him. The president must have been determined to bring Bergdahl home at all costs, because the manner of his doing so makes it likely that he violated federal criminal law in the deal he cut with Bergdahl’s captors.



  1. A good article. it points out that we are now operating under a similar government to the one that caused the Constitution and Bill of Rights to be drafted in the first place..

  2. Bottom line is that he broke a Federal law that, he himself, signed into law. This is a crime, period. Now our Congress has a job to do. Impeach.

  3. perhaps the trade should have been one preseident for one dissident

  4. We need to take the Senate in 2014 and keep the House: THAN IMPEACHJune 6, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    Call 202-224-3121 and inform your elected rep to start a Sub-Committee in the House to investigate why Obama released 5 top generals of the Taliban...I called Trey Gowdy already...


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