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Friday, June 06, 2014

Thank God Its Friday 6-6-14

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Cleaning my floors-Ugh! For usual cleaning I used the manufacturer recommended cleaner but twice a year I like to wipe them down with a vinegar and water mixture, then go back and use the recommended cleaner which shines them. It's a real workout.
    Then I'm going to rearrange my living room to it's summer configuration.
    I also need to get out and weed the garden. I planted 30 tomato plants---what was I thinking!!!---, a doz peppers, some squash, cucumbers and egg plants. I noticed this morning the recent rain really perks them up. Unfortunately the weeds are also sprouting like crazy.

  2. Staying AWAY from Ocean City!

  3. 8:13-Me too.It's hard for me to believe that people from all over come to OC to vacation.They stay there for a whole week.I live 30 miles away and go there maybe twice a summer.After a few hours I'm ready to go.Maybe if I lived a thousand or so miles away I would feel differently.

  4. Enjoying the beautiful weather and getting things done at home.

  5. Just trying to survive..

  6. i was wondering when just trying to survive would show up.try doing what 9 34 is doing and have some in your life

  7. going to see my buddy Dave Hastings with the Bo Dickerson Band tonight

  8. 11:12-At least we know he/she is still among the living.


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