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Friday, June 06, 2014

Student Achievement Gap Won’t Be Solved With Just More Pre-School

All the benefits for pre-kindergarten education touted by the Democratic candidates for governor can be easily lost in just a year or two if there isn’t strong follow-up in kindergarten and the early grades, experts and studies show.

As MarylandReporter.com reported Thursday, research into pre-K programs has shown very promising results on its potential to mitigate the achievement gap. But without quality K-12 programs, the benefits gained from pre-K programs can be reversed by as early as first grade.

“High quality pre-K is a necessary component of the effort to close the achievement gap,” said Jason Botel of advocacy group MarylandCAN (Campaign for Achievement Now). “It can’t be the only component, though, because if you have high quality pre-K and low quality K-12 that work can be undone.” 



  1. I.Q. is genetic.
    You can't teach stupid.
    I wonder what they do all day at Shore up?

  2. Now, today, my 18 yo graduate texted me that he is out running "arronds".

    Now tell me this is my fault, and another year of pre-k would solve this.

    I will await your answer, John Frederickson.

    1. Well it is your fault. That's the problem with you damn people. Teachers are held accountable for everything a child learns or so want learn. Learn to work with your children at home and stop blaming your child's lack of spelling on a teacher. You are a product of your environment!

  3. None of it matters at all as long as the children will be stuck with Common Core...

  4. More pre k is just public baby sitting for the baby mothers who are sucking this country dry...

  5. Anonymous said...
    None of it matters at all as long as the children will be stuck with Common Core...

    June 6, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    Common Core is the Federal take over of education. Another way to indoctrinate and control the people.

  6. I guess the pre-school programs of the 1950's and '60's, maybe into the '70's have been forgotten? Research on achievement gains showed that any initial differences due to these programs were lost by third grade. Now we will have more of our tax dollars at work?

  7. Okay, 11:32 pm, you say it'd my fault. So it'd my responsibility to teach my children Spelling. English, too? Math? Please give the parents out there a list so they can hold up their end.

    And exactly why are we required to send our children to school all day if they are not taught how to spell? Will they be taught how to solve a math problem? Geography? Chemistry? Or, is that ours to teach as well?

    I'll await your answer, John Frederickson.

  8. Pre-k is the embodiment of society's wish to make all students average or above. It can't and won't happen, but it sounds politically correct.

  9. It all stems from the breakdown of the family and society in general. Can't expect the government to parent your children and then expect a good result. There are too many one parent and single mother households. There are no values, and it seems like anything goes. It is true, you reap what you sow.


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