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Monday, June 16, 2014

Smart Phones Blamed For Wasting Time At Work

A new survey looks at some of the reasons why employees waste time at work. Not surprisingly, smart phones are a big culprit.

Fingers typing on a keyboard is a sound often associated with someone hard at work but sometimes it’s what you can’t hear that’s keeping people away from doing their jobs.

“Surfing the web,” said one.

“Text,” said another.

“Cell phone use,” said a third.

A new survey from careerbuilder.com found one in four workers admit to spending at least one hour a day on personal calls, emails or texts.



  1. And then lose their jobs and bitch because they can't pay back their student loans.All because they could not dedicate themselves 100% to their jobs.

  2. I worked with someone in a medical office who had a portable tv on her desk and would sit and watch the soap operas. She did very little real work and the office just loved her. Doctors and nurses would come in the office and see the tv on and would just walk out. When she was watching tv she was on the phone to her family. This was real, and I'll tell you something else they are the most appreciated employees.

  3. Put the blame on the cell phone, not the user. Isn't that the way we treat guns?? Make cell phones illegal, then only criminals will have them.

  4. What do you expect from the lazy world of the private sector?

  5. Not only at work but even at home where parents sit for hours on the couch clutching their smartphone as if it was their only duty in life. Family life suffers, employers production suffers. Maybe employers could have their workers park their phones at the front desk.
    Can't do that after people come home, what a shame.


  6. Q: How did we manage to squander time at work and home before smartphones?

    A: Siri, back in the day how did we squander time before smartphones?


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