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Monday, June 30, 2014

Sex Offenses On U.S. College Campuses

This table shows the number of alleged forcible sex offenses on campus reported to security authorities at colleges and universities or to law enforcement, as well as the rate of reporting per thousand students. Schools are required to send the data to the federal government under a law known as the Clery Act. Where possible, statistics for schools with multiple campuses have been combined to show one set of numbers per school. The table includes four-year colleges and universities -- public and private, non-profit -- with at least 1,000 students enrolled in 2012. The source of the data is the U.S. Education Department. Experts caution that a campus with a low reporting rate is not necessarily safer than one with a high rate. Some colleges make more effort than others to ensure victims step forward. Enrollment totals include online students, which for some schools lowers the reporting rate for campus incidents. For example, more than 80 percent of Liberty University students are online.
Analysis by Nick Anderson of The Washington Post. How colleges vary in reports of sex offenses

See the complete list HERE


  1. But, but, but Crime is down in Salisbury.

  2. Why cut the report? Are you hiding something?

  3. Can I care? Is me caring going to stop it?

    Just asking...

  4. Anonymous said...
    Why cut the report? Are you hiding something?

    June 30, 2014 at 9:29 PM

    NO Dumbass, he is just showing you Salisbury University. You must be an Obama Voter.

  5. 9:29
    The report was not cut. You can click on the link and see the entire thing. If he would have posted the entire report it would have taken up 3 pages. Are you so lazy you can't click on a link?


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