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Friday, June 06, 2014

Seattle Shooter Was Obsessed With Columbine, Report Says. Student Who Stopped Him Hailed As Hero.

Two young men — each vastly different from the other — will forever share a tie to the Seattle Pacific University shooting: one branded a suspect, the other hailed as a hero.

The suspect in the shooting at the university Thursday afternoon that left one dead and several others injured was obsessed with the Columbine High School shootings, unnamed police sources told KIRO 7. The station said the man, 26, had even visited the Colorado site where two student shooters killed 15 and injured 21 classmates in 1999.

The suspect, Aaron Ybarra, was not a student at Seattle Pacific University, police told reporters Thursday night — but the man who stopped him was.


  1. movie of the week, when will we ever stop

  2. Channel 7 and others reported a second gunman. Why is there always a second one until the police story is released?

  3. I am shocked the gun control nuts are not out in force this week. I see the common denominator in all of this is mental health. The bottom line is someone some where missed these people were sick enough to carry out their fantasies. In every case of mass shootings or stabbings the mental state is documented and very little if anything is done on that level. Any person be it a family or not should be arrested and civilly liable for aiding a deranged person to obtain firearms. Guns and knives don't kill people. Lunatics do.

  4. What about next week and the week after and so on.Why are people always trying to establish a reason for why murderers do what they do? Why must there always be a correlation to something else.Why,because people are actually getting paid big bucks to figure all of this worthless crap out.They have to come up with something,even if it is wrong.


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