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Friday, June 06, 2014

Salisbury Design Initiative Underway

SALISBURY — The Envision Salisbury program is in full swing and a student-driven design plan is expected by next fall.

Community enthusiasm for the project is running high, according to the City Council. Envision seeks fresh ways to revitalize downtown architecture.

Envision represents a partnership between the University of Maryland (UMD) and the city of Salisbury. Several students from the school’s architecture program have been working since October to brainstorm ways to improve city infrastructure and design, especially downtown.



  1. Anyone here remember "RUDAT"?

    Let's throw more money down the drain!

  2. I do remember R/UDAT. Maybe you should reacquaint yourself with it.

  3. Here's an idea...

    Get the property owners to invest in their properties! So long as they fail to invest, that place is going to remain a dump. My tax dollars shouldn't be going to subsidizing people who can afford to pay for their own benefit.

  4. They will not invest in their properties when they are forced by the City to compete with a thousand other like businesses who offer FREE PARKING!

    Let me repeat, FREE PARKING!!!!!!!!

    This is the major chokehold on downtown revitalization. I can go to all the businesses I want to get the items I need and want and park for free.

    Except, of course, one zone of the City.

    There, if I commit the "crime" of shopping "too much", I am fined monetarily, so, I just don't go there.

    Berlin has free parking, and their downtown is 100% occupied.

    Cambridge, Easton, the list goes on.

    Gawd! Is this that hard to understand????

  5. Anonymous said...
    Here's an idea...

    Get the property owners to invest in their properties! So long as they fail to invest, that place is going to remain a dump. My tax dollars shouldn't be going to subsidizing people who can afford to pay for their own benefit.

    June 6, 2014 at 2:31 PM


    No one is helping me with my property.


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