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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Rich Perdue takes $1.3 million more from taxpayers

It was announced yesterday that Delaware officials awarded Perdue up to $1.3 million more in taxpayer money that Perdue applied for -- to expand its processing plant in Milford.

“When I came in (as chairman), there were 12,000 people and $1billion (to) $1.2 billion in sales.... Now there’s $7 billion in sales and 21,000 employees.”

-- Jim Perdue as quoted May 15, 2014


  1. Seems like a pretty good investment.

  2. This would be all well and good except the overwhelming jobs that Perdue offers are poverty level wages. This entitles those employees to obtain welfare benefits in multiple forms. Tax payers are footing the bill from every end. The blight Salisbury and surrounding area is plagued with is solely the responsibility of perdue. Only a handful of those they employ can afford to buy homes much less keep them up. Not to mention their product isn't fit for a rabid dog's last meal. It's highly inferiour.

    1. This is not true. Perdue pays better than union scale wages. In addition to their wages Perdue employees are provided health care at no cost to them. To say that the blight in Salisbury and the surrounding area is "solely the responsibility of Perdue" is off base and shows how out of touch you are. As far as Perdue's quality being "inferiour", I will just consider the source.

  3. Someone needs to ask what percentage of those 21,000 employees make above poverty level wages. I bet the coward wouldn't answer.

  4. It's not his fault people are in poverty,it's lawmakers we vote in and keep taking.

  5. Corporate Welfare strikes again...

  6. Look at it as an investment in our economic welfare. As far as peoples living habits Perdue pays at or above industry standards. That was Frank's philosophy and it is Jimmy's also. MOVE ON TO NEXT STORY!!

  7. Mega Dittos to 3:22. Period.

  8. I for one am thankful for Perdue and all they do & try to do.
    Eat more chicken. Waaay bettern bugs.

  9. Who is Rich Perdue? I haven't met him. Is he Jim's brother?


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