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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Report: Bowe Bergdahl Left Note Renouncing U.S. Citizenship

National security adviser Susan Rice recently claimed that Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier held by the Taliban for five years, served with "honor and distinction." That report, however, seems to have been turned on its head Tuesday, when Fox News' Jennifer Griffin said Bergdahl left a note in 2009 renouncing his U.S. citizenship, Twitchy reported.

"Great reporting from @JenGriffinFNC - new report: Berghdal left behind a note renouncing American citizenship...developing," Fox News anchor Jenna Lee tweeted.

Twitchy acknowledged that more information is needed, but the report is adding fuel to the criticism being leveled at the administration. Last weekend, Bergdahl was exchanged for five Taliban detainees, two of whom are wanted by the United Nations for war crimes.



  1. I tell you, the intent here was NOT to secure the release of this American captive. The motivation was to free the terrorists. We have very dangerous people running this country.

  2. Yes and Obama will say that he heard of this first on the news. So, our so called Commander In Chief supports deserters. What a sorry excuse for a President. Obama is a decrease to our Country. I'm a Veteran and I'm pissed as Hell.

  3. Why is this information just now coming out?

  4. How many laws must this imposter in the White House flaunt, blatantly ignore and flat out break before charges for impeachment or treason are brought to bear? His total disregard and lack of respect for our Constitution and the law of the land would have landed the average person behind bars for life by now! This is beyond rediculous!

  5. can we build the gallows now wise guy?

  6. This Muslim President should be impeached. Let him confront a veteran without his gun toting security protection and watch him get a good fashion ass kicking. I would appreciate first turn.

  7. I dont want to hear anything bout this except a vote on impeachment..will be a sad day one one of these 5 morons explodes themselves along with inocents...these demons of islam will not stop til you and i are dead..obama is a terrorist useful idiot..IMPEACH HIM NOW

  8. Impeachment will take 67 votes in the senate so that ain't happening. Nothing will work now but may be possible if enough tea partiers are elected in November.

  9. What a sorry excuse for a President. As an American and a Veteran I'm ashamed of the President for the first time of my life. He is in bed with the Muslims.

  10. Fienstein turned on em..the dems are jumping his sinking ship..good....this is an outrage and treason....

  11. I am not ashamed of my President, as I did not vote for him but a majority of my fellow occupants of this country did.

    I am ashamed and actually frightened of my fellow Americans who walk with me every day who actually voted for the Moron In Chief.

    It really has scared the hell out of me since the "Second Coming" in 2012.

    I truly hope that 2018 makes for a recovery from the dive we are taking now, but at this rate, that's a looooong way off.

  12. I truly hope that 2018 makes for a recovery from the dive we are taking now, but at this rate, that's a looooong way off.

    June 3, 2014 at 7:41 PM

    the election is in 2016. dont make it any further away than it already is.

    I'm not anti-America, but I am anti-American government. they are not for the American people.

  13. we used to shoot deserters not offer them a heroes welcome. something is terribly wrong with the way this country is being run by the looney democrats!

  14. Six soldiers lost their lives because this Douche Bag deserted his post. He needs to be executed for treason and a parade should be held for Edward Snowden!

  15. Obamas press conference really bothered me when he came waltzing out with his arm around the traitors mothers waist grinning from ear to ear. Like he just got some. And to add insult to injury the traitors father starts talking in an Arabic dialect. There is no dignity left in the White House. Thanks all of you who voted for this anti-American.


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