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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rawlings-Blake Voices Concern Over Immigrant Shelter

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake — who has gained a national reputation for welcoming Hispanic families to Baltimore — joined a growing chorus of Maryland officials Tuesday raising concerns over a proposal to turn a vacant office building in the city into a shelter for immigrant children largely from Central America.

Rawlings-Blake said she has "serious concerns" about an idea being explored by the Obama administration to retrofit the massive office complex on North Greene Street known as Metro West to help contain a recent surge in unaccompanied children who are crossing the border illegally.

The federal government is scrambling to find space to shelter the young immigrants, most of whom are fleeing violence in Central America. About 9,500 children were caught at the Southwest border in May — a 300 percent increase over the same period last year.



  1. Quit calling them "immigrants". It disrespects and demeans the individuals who have actually followed the legal immigration process. Their very first act in getting here was to break our law (knowingly and willfully) and to commit a crime. The very first thing.
    I don't know the answer to this multi-million person invasion of our country, but acting like they somehow just appeared here and we are responsible for their health and well-being now is disingenuous at the very least.
    Try doing that in ANY other country and all you'd get is a bunk in an overcrowded prison.

  2. We are all for bringing the illegals into the US.. but not in her City.. another r2 faced Libratard.

  3. Just what Baltimore city needs, more gang members. These 'children' are low tier gang members mostly from El Salvador where the MS-13 gang rules. They are trying to overwhelm US cities and know they have a live one with obama and his no immigration policy.
    They are claiming they are fleeing gang recruitment. But there is no way they could have crossed through Mexico unless there was an organized well funded group paying off Mexican officials to look the other way.
    You will see this is the real story.

  4. These "children" need to be returned to their home cities within 30 days via plane tickets, and Homeland Security needs to have a sit down with Mexico. Obama needs to be impeached, then Biden, then who is it, Bohner? But since that can't happen until the TEA party replaces the Communists in the Senate, the military needs to come back from the oil wells and line OUR border while we drill for OUR OWN oil.

  5. this is what the libtarded democratic policies require... cord wood useful idiots...just more leeches..send em back we have enough tax suckers already

  6. We need (Translate, Obama needs) to quit advertising free entry to all worldwide countries. How hard is that to understand? If our Statement was "Do not come here unless...", then only those who could do, would. we have plenty of great immigration laws, and if we chose to enforce them, then our country could be back on track.

    Unfortunately, this is not the case.


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