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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pentagon Studying Protesters To Prep For ‘Mass Civil Breakdown’

The Department of Defense has disbursed some funds to universities so that scientists might study the dynamics of civil unrest — and how the U.S. military might best respond.

It’s called the “Minerva Research Initiative,” and it’s a program that was kicked off in 2008 to “improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S.,” The Guardian reported.

More to point: the multi-million dollar research program seeks to uncover “warfighter-relevant insights” to help senior ranking officials in the “defense policy community” come up with “combatant commands” that work in civil unrest situations, The Guardian reported.



  1. What a bunch of crap!

  2. Planning for this instead of exercising even one brain cell to try to figure out what is upsetting us...

  3. Need to send all military to the border,not worry about the citizens!

  4. Military needs to drop there pants at the white house and send oscama and his dirtbag family to hang out with there muslim family the ISIS.


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