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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Opinion: Bush's toxic legacy in Iraq

(CNN) -- ISIS, the brutal insurgent/terrorist group formerly known as al Qaeda in Iraq, has seized much of western and northern Iraq and even threatens towns not far from Baghdad.

From where did ISIS spring? One of George W. Bush's most toxic legacies is the introduction of al Qaeda into Iraq, which is the ISIS mother ship.

If this wasn't so tragic it would be supremely ironic, because before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, top Bush officials were insisting that there was an al Qaeda-Iraq axis of evil. Their claims that Saddam Hussein's men were training members of al Qaeda how to make weapons of mass destruction seemed to be one of the most compelling rationales for the impending war.



  1. I must have missed that part where this so called journalist mentions that it was Obama that released Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to Iraq in 2009 claiming then that he was not a threat. I missed the strategic plan by Obama to abandoned Iraq in 2012 leaving behind over 200 American Government contract workers who will most likely face imminent death. Finally This journalist completely struck out with his omission of Biden's speech. Biden claiming that Iraq would be Obama's greatest legacy in foreign diplomacy. Biden and the liberal press gave Obama all the praise on Iraq --- until the arrival of ISLS and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi something diseased liberals always seem to miss!!

  2. So tell me how long it took to blame this on Bush! Take responsibility mr. o for arming them & pulling out our troops!

  3. We can not have our troops there forever. The area is never going to change. Bush never should have sent us there in the first place. This is why he gets the blame!

  4. We elected Obama to get us out of Iraq. It was a mess before and now it is worse because of Bush and his divine intervention.

  5. Withdraw and let them work out their own issues. We should have never deployed to Iraq for WMD's that didn't exist. If our country would learn to stop getting involved in other country's issues, we would be so much better off. Our nation's defense should be used for just that....to defend! Why does Bush get blamed for Iraq?...It's because it's his damn fault!


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