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Friday, June 06, 2014

OBENSHAIN: McAuliffe, Herring going rogue in Richmond

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe just vetoed a unanimously passed General Assembly bill that would have removed any possibility or appearance of unethical campaign contribution dealings from a fund he controls. Surprising? At this point, not at all.

In the five short months since taking office, both Mr. McAuliffe and Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring have become the radical left’s poster children at the state level for public officials ignoring and even circumventing the will of the people and their representatives.

Shortly after swearing to “uphold the laws of the Commonwealth,” Mr. Herring announced he would ignore Virginia’s voter-approved marriage amendment, help the governor find a way to expand Medicaid whether or not the General Assembly agrees, and in direct contradiction to a law passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by the previous governor, force state-supported colleges and universities to offer in-state tuition rates to the children of illegal immigrants. Mr. McAuliffe recently took steps to undermine General Assembly-passed regulations that mandate abortion clinics to meet the same safety standards as outpatient surgical centers.


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