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Monday, June 09, 2014

Obama releasing 'reformed' Gitmo prisoners for having taken up yoga

President Barack Obama is moving ahead with his push to close the Guantanamo Bay prison despite the uproar over the exchange of five Taliban prisoners for a captured American soldier, an administration official said Thursday.

The Periodic Review Board has determined that more former 'forever prisoners,' including one who says he has been reformed by practicing yoga and another who was a bodyguard for Bin Laden but now wants to start a 'milk and honey farm' are fit for release to their homelands or repatriation.

Ghaleb Nasser al Bihani, 35, told a parole board in April that he had read the biographies of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and the Dalai Lama and aspired to live 'an ordinary life.'



  1. This SOB needs to be impeached...

  2. Why won't Congress get a handle on this criminal President? He is breaking the law that he signed into law.

  3. Anonymous said...
    This SOB needs to be impeached...

    June 9, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    NO!! Wrong Answer!!

    The Traitor needs to be SHOT!!

  4. Yoga fixes nothing.


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