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Friday, June 27, 2014

North Korea Calls New Seth Rogan Movie An Act Of War

What do you think about this? Does it really come down to a movie being produced, in any country, in any language that means war? If so, this planet will not last all that much longer.

Seth Rogen has a new movie that was recently released called “The Interview,” and it has caused a little wave with the North Koreans. Seth both stars and directs this movie, and the theme of the movie is that a talk-show host and his producer are given the opportunity to interview the North Korean leader Kim Jung-Un. Apparently, what didn’t go over so well with Kim Jung-Un is that after the interview, they wanted to assonate the dictator.

The BBC reported that the communist leader “did not take kindly” to the movie theme, and he replied that by the US allowing the film to be released that it “equates to an act of war, and his country would have to mercilessly retaliate.” Kim also added that an attack on “his top-level personal is the most blatant act of terrorism,” and he also called the film a gangster film made by a gangster filmmaker.



  1. I'd rather fight the Koreans than the Obama administration . I think we would beat the Koreans , it's very obvious that Obama can't be defeated.
    Anyway , we are almost there , if the muslims don't get us , another country will.
    Walmart has all the ammo you will need.

  2. Don't worry Lil Kim...no one will see this movie. They will all go see the Hangover Part Sixteen and memorize every word - but cannot relate to anything even partially political or close to real life. They certainly won't pay the $12.00 movie ticket price for it!

  3. It's Seth Rogen and Franco, the guys who brought you Pineapple Express. That fat, malet dictator can't laugh at that, yet invites that clown Rodman to NK? Wish we'd make NK a parking lot for SK.

  4. I appreciate how Kim wears his intentions on his sleeve.Nothing sneaky,deceptive, or underhanded and no constant lying about everything.Never underestimate an adversary who tells you precisely what he will do before he does it.If he thought for one moment that N Korea could take the US he would have attacked already.

  5. thanks hollywood


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