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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Need Anyone Say More?


  1. I love when the college kids are back in town .maybe they can put them in the mayors parking spot downtown???

  2. For those of you who can't figure out what this is, its a speed camera.

  3. Needs to be done all over Salisbury!!

  4. Destruction is against the law as is speeding, yet some believe the law breakers should be rewarded. And you wonder why youth today have no respect for others or property.

    1. Nope.it's a shame rowdy drunk college kids are the only ones who'll stand up.

  5. What part of "The people don't want these" don't they understand?

  6. 12:03 - taking money from citizens under one pretext and using it for another is also against the law - I would submit this is an act similar to civil disobedience...like the Boston Tea Party - citizens fed up with the tyrannical government.

  7. 6:46am Please speak only for yourself. I am one who wants this to save a child's life from speeders. When you say "the people", I'm not sure what people you are speaking about. It certainly isn't me.

  8. 7:23, this rises to a level above civil disobedience. This is destruction of property. Know the law.

  9. Happy, Happy, Happy!

  10. 8:33 - I didn't say it wasn't illegal!

  11. 7:43 AM Your logic is flawed. How many children have been killed or even injured by vehicles, speeding or not, in Salisbury in the last 10 years?

    The state has put these in place under the pretext of safety and you eat it up. The only reason they are here is revenue and that extends to stoplight cameras. Stop light cameras have actually been linked to GREATER incidence of accidents not less.

  12. If you do the crime---pay the money!

    I don't get it----What's all the
    upset about the cameras---Thank God
    they're there. My husband & I have
    almost been run over by speed freaks
    be for they were put up!

    I for one am thankful they are there
    for everyones safety!

  13. I don't have a problem when school is in session with making people slow down around schools. At first the cameras were only supposed to be used while school was in session. That never happened. They were installed and started issuing tickets year round and haven't stopped since.

  14. These cameras have nothing at all to do with "the children" but everything to do about revenue.

  15. Help I have fallen and can not write a ticket ROFLMAO

    It is wrong but that is funny I dont care who you are.

  16. weird. I was just thinking about this and now it has happened. karma

  17. I have gotten 2 tickets in the mail from the camera on Main Street and as irritated as I am, I am guilty, I was speeding in a 25 m.p.h. zone and should be penalized. Why do people hate these cameras? If you don't speed, then you won't get a ticket.

  18. If you don't speed, then you won't get a ticket.

    June 17, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    Do you really think 25mph is appropriate for that stretch of road? Let me guess, you think it's about safety don't ya?

  19. 743 please stand in front of me info bennett when I am doing the speed limit.? Liberal FOOL.

  20. Let the rebellion begin.

  21. First off there are over a dozen kids hit each year crossing the roads in front of Bennett Jr & Sr, Wi middle, and Parkside. Yes the speed limit on West Main St is 25mph but the camera doesn't take your picture until you are doing 12mph over the speed limit. That's 37mph down that street and yes if you are going that fast down that road then you deserve to get a ticket. So what if they are put there for revenue, if you don't excessively speed then WHO CARES. My wife and I pass by these speed cameras nearly everyday and neither of us have ever gotten a ticket from them. Right now this county needs all the money it can generate, I approve these cameras. I'm also not stupid enough to get ticketed by them. You know that these cameras are there and if you are still stupid enough to speed past them, well in Bill Engvals words "here's your sign".

  22. Although I don't love the speed cameras, I must agree that if you speed you deserve the ticket. I DO, however, vehemently protest the cameras being "on" during the summer (unless it's a school that hosts summer school, and it should only be on during school hours). Cameras should be off after school hours and weekends as well. The fact that they run when they shouldn't really makes folks feel it is purely for revenue. A warning would be nice for a first offense ... even the police do that if you have a clean record.

  23. Blogger None said...
    First off there are over a dozen kids hit each year crossing the roads in front of Bennett Jr & Sr, Wi middle, and Parkside

    I call bs. Provide proof.


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