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Monday, June 16, 2014

Mississippi's voter ID law could be example for nation

Mississippi might be an example to the rest of the nation on voter identification.

The Mississippi voter ID law received its shakedown cruise in the June 3 primary elections and passed muster with only a few issues.

Of the 397,822 ballots cast, 513 voters did not have a photo ID compliant with the law and 177 returned with ID later to have their votes counted. Missing the Tuesday deadline were 298 voters whose ballots were rejected because the voter never returned with an acceptable ID. Thirteen more were rejected for other reasons.

Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said the success of the new law is proof the state doesn’t need federal oversight of its elections and redistricting.

“What this means … is over 99.9 percent of Mississippians cast their ballot with a voter ID,” Hosemann said. “No other state I’ve ever seen has shown that kind of response. We’re very pleased with the number,s and I think it reflects that Mississippi is able to conduct its own elections and have people show up with the constitutionally required documents without any missteps.”



  1. Sounds like a plan.. but I'd bet a paycheck you'll never get it passed in the Republic of Maryland!

  2. Always in the democrats favor to cheat and lie.

  3. Prepare for the whining of the 311...

  4. But if they did that in the Republic of Maryland, then all the dead people couldn't vote.

  5. 12:52 and it would no longer be the Socialist Republic of Maryland!

  6. Claiming Voter ID disinfranchises voters is absurd. I mean, you need a license to register at the doctor's office and get generic pseudophed and any other prescription drug. SO it's OK to deny a voter the right to their own life, but it's not OK to keep them from voting?

  7. The liberal democrats in maryland don't want anything that looks like honest elections.They are all liars and cheats and none of their arguments make any sense at all. We will never see honest elections in maryland.


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