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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lost IRS E-mails Point to an Abuse of Power and Cover-Up

Missing tapes? Abuse of power? It’s 1974 all over again, with one exception – there seems to be no Woodward and Bernstein interested in delving into an abuse of power and a cover-up.

The parallels between the crisis in the Richard Nixon presidency and the current political environment are intriguing, if not entirely dispositive. Forty-two years ago, the targeting of political enemies by the executive branch erupted as one of the worst political scandals in American history, and took almost two years to reach its apex. A national election and the withdrawal from an unpopular war overshadowed the scandal for awhile, but the press kept Watergate on the front burner long enough for the cover-up to fall apart in 1974.



  1. What a crooked administration !
    However , you and I know nothing will be done , she will get paid a large sum of our money and retire on easy street . Oh what a beautiful morning!
    No religion , no morals , no ethics , gone to hell in a hand basket.

  2. Surprise! Now there is a company that has come forward that claims to have a contract with IRS to store their e-mails...Wonder how they will get rid of THIS smoking gun!

  3. It's time to start shooting these people. I really don't have the time to listen to the lies anymore.

  4. That's what we need , more females in charge so we can get this country on it's feet , NOT!!!!

  5. "Anonymous said...
    It's time to start shooting these people. I really don't have the time to listen to the lies anymore.

    June 22, 2014 at 7:00 AM"

    If each and everyone of them starting from the Liar in Chief on down, started dropping dead the world would be a better place. They are nothing but a bunch of ghetto hustlers and anyone who still supports the Liar in Chief and his admin are no better.
    7:23-democrat women are nothings. Slaves to men is all, willingly obeying their every word-obama says lose the emails and poof they are gone. The local democrat women make me sick for still supporting such a corrupt party. Some role models they are. Teaching their children and families it's okay to lie. None better come knocking on my door. I have more class and upbringing to ever subject myself to such nasty foul women.


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