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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lost Dog 6-19-14: UPDATE

Delmar area. Connelly Mill /Executive Club Dr area. 443-235-8135


  1. Thanks for posting this Joe. I have been looking all morning again and stopping in different businesses, mail delivery, people on street. No luck so far.

    KiKi lives on Driftwood Rd off Shell Rd. off Connelly Mill Rd.

    She was spotted in a dead run shortly after 'escaping'.

    Maybe someone took her in because of the heat. No luck at dog pound either.

  2. If he/she has a microchip call the company & report it. Also, call the Humane Society & let them know so if they get a call on the dog, they'll know who to contact right away.

  3. 12:08 PM

    no chip. I mentioned no luck at the dog pound, at least not this morning. will check again.


  4. The dog is a female BTW. Name is Kiki. Very friendly, all shots. And to any cop who may be reading this, no need to shoot the dog.

  5. not recovered yet. :(

  6. So happy to hear Kiki was found.

  7. Yes, we had some wonderful responses and so many people helped and offered encouraging words. It was a pleasant shock to hear so many people actually cared. Had one person from out of town who rode over to help look for Kiki. We went door to door and put flyers out which helped too.

    Thank you to all the wonderful people who cared and helped out. And thank you Joe for posting this on your blog. You have such a wide readership, it doesn't take long for the word to get out.

    It restores my faith in human beings around here.


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