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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Liberals Furious over SC Law to Teach the Constitution in Schools

The Republican controlled legislature in South Carolina recently infuriated liberal groups by insisting that state universities teach students about the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents.

The SC House of Representatives had recently cut funding for two state universities that had required students to read homosexual-themed books. This month, a revised budget restored the funding.

But the renewed funding had strings attached. The new budget stipulated that the money was to be used "for instruction in the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers, including the study of and devotion to American institutions and ideals."



  1. right on people, finally some good sense being used. thanks sjd

  2. Good ANYONE who does not support America needs to be shipped out to a radical muslim country or be shot for TREASON U PICK.

  3. Screw you Obama-Knights...We love our Country....move to Russia...

  4. God Bless America! I learned this from elementary through high school.. but better late than never!

  5. The libtards don't want the populace to know that the constitution's purpose was to restrain government!

  6. Thank you 1:07. It was a document for the people, not for the Government.

  7. Anyone who thinks the constitution is outdated move to N Korea or Iraq today!

  8. get rid of them. how about a slow boat to china...


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