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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Bowe Bergdahl Fiasco Cries Out for Obama's Impeachment


  1. Well said. However, I feel that O will refuse to leave office when the time comes.

    And in a few years we will reap the consequences of this and whoever is in charge will be blamed.

    What a pity.

  2. I forgot;why again were we in Afghanistan,and why did we stay so long? I'm sure someone has said,but I've forgotten.

  3. Truer never spoken. I said it before and I'll say it again. Mark my words he will make it so he can stay in OUR white house at any cost. We are so low down there is no coming back as long as he is in the white house. He will do what ever he wants and to whom ever he wants. Yes we can vote but we all know that it is fixed. It will stay the same until we have to show I.D. when we vote. I would be very ashamed of him if he was an American but we all know he is not.map

  4. Afghanistan? That was sooooo long ago....what difference does it make anyway?

  5. It is about time someone called for the O's impeachment. This should have been called for years ago. Go forward with this PLEASE , PLEASE.

  6. If the Senate does not impeach hiim then they are just as guilty as obama for ignoring the law and constitution of this country ... 'for high crimes and mideameaners'!

  7. my god she is smokin' hot.

  8. Jeanine is so hot it's a wonder the camera filming her doesn't burst into flames.

  9. @12:41

    I have felt the same for a long time...he will NOT voluntarily leave office. That's why he has done executive orders to fire on American citizens, tries to take our guns, spies on us etc...the list is endless,

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. She sure has my thoughts at heart.

  12. 6:03. I worry that then would be the time of revolution. Just what this country needs is another civil war yet i can see it coming. O may not want to leave office and there may be folks who support it but far too many Americans wont.

    It will be yet another stain on our countrys history.

  13. With all the stack of reasons, the Senate Democrats stay loyal to this traitor without any pride in themselves whatsoever. Sucking at his brown a$$ day and night, and somehow deriving "pride" in their defense of him. It's unconscionable, but they ignorantly stay the course.

    4 months until an election to flip the senators is too long, and it's time the Senate Democrats stand for the Constitution instead of a lame duck Muslim out of control degenerate madman.

  14. Judge Jeanine is not only "great to look at" but she is so intelligent. I love the way she gets her points across and to whom they are directed. Please let America survive until we have a new Commander-in-Chief.

  15. Give it up.. he's going nowhere. Economic ruin, marshal law, and a King...

  16. 3:29,training camps for terrorists who attacked on 9-11,read The 12 Horsemen book.

  17. Congress is afraid to bring impeachment proceedings on Obama because they fear race riots. Obama has broken the law, period. Fear of riots should not guide Congress in obeying the law. America, and our laws should not be held hostage by a group of unruly people who think our laws signed by the President, should be broken.


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