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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Joe Biden: US Needs ‘Constant, Unrelenting Stream’ Of Immigrants

Vice President Joseph R. Biden told a National Association of Manufacturers’ crowd this week that what the United States needed was more, not fewer, immigrants.

Specifically, he called for a “constant, unrelenting stream” of new immigrants — “not dribbling [but] significant flows,” to bolster the national economy, The Hill reported.

“We need it badly from a purely — purely economic point of view,” Mr. Biden said, The Hill reported.

Later, on Twitter, he wrote: “The final thing we need to do together is pass immigration reform … We need it badly. -VP at manufacturing summit,” Newsmax reported.



  1. Joe Biden is a dumb a%$

  2. And this is the guy who is in charge if something happens to King Barry... How do you spell Idiot - I spell it Biden!

  3. He's always been daft. I certainly vote that ticket...

  4. Yes its called legal imigration process..more is better... but libtards have thick stupid skulls and dont unerstand these people broke the law...

  5. That's why Obama picked Biden as his running mate. He recognized how stupid he was.

  6. Send those illegal immigrants back home.

  7. what an idiot , we do not have jobs for our people much less half of south america

  8. You people that vote democrat must not care that Joe Biden and others want to finish off America with the flood of immigrants to bankrupt our entitlement system and take away union jobs.

  9. Show me how this is calculated.

  10. Giving him the benefit of the doubt,I would love to hear an explanation.On the surface it makes no sense at all.


  11. Crazy Uncle Joe. Brain fluid leaked away when they plugged his scalp. And he was an idiot before the surgeries!

  12. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Yeah, because he's an expert on doing things badly!! Just sayin'.

  14. Anonymous said...
    LEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!!!!!!!!

    June 13, 2014 at 9:28 PM


  15. Anonymous said...
    LEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!!!!!!!!

    June 13, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    No they are ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!!!!!

  16. So this brain dead Democrats are saying illegal aliens will bolster our economy? Not sure how that works? I/You/We will be paying for their welfare and food stamps so that doesn't work? So they are getting free housing, food, WIC, Welfare, Medicaid, etc. and that is not bolstering the economy?

    You Democrats that think this way are brain dead.

  17. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - released in 2009 by Obama now leader of the ISIS now look at Iraq. His last statement to the security team that transported him to Iraq. "I will see you soon in America", but according to Obama this terrorist was not a threat. Biden agreed.

  18. What we need is constant unrelenting stream of idiots like biden leaving the country.

  19. This man's stupidity reaches new heights each day sort of like his boss's corruption. When will the country be free of this curse?


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