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Friday, June 27, 2014

IRS commish gave over $85,000 to Democrats

'I want to thank you for being who you are'

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen contributed more than $85,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, MRCTV research has discovered – with a $5,000 donation to President Obama in 2012 and $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008.

This may explain the fawning “thank yous” Koskinen received for his public service from many Democrats last night on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

“You know when you’ve got a person who’s given what you’ve given and been brought into difficult circumstances…” said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) to Koskinen during last night’s hearing. “You know, at my age, I began to stop and think about my own mortality, and think about my reputation. I want to thank you for being who you are. I want to thank you for giving a damn and caring about our country.”



  1. There's not a "smidgen of scandal here"....

  2. Somehow that's just wrong. Another courtier polishing the king's jewels.

  3. It's a giant organized crime ring!

  4. What arrogance
    What a jerk
    What a liar
    What a yes man
    Fits right in.......typical Dumb-o-crat

  5. Cummings has always been a liar.

  6. If by "Country", you mean "Money", then you'd be right, Mr. Cummings. Fraud.



  7. IRS commish is just a bagman for the regime. Holder has already composed his pardon; just needs a date and signature.


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