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Friday, June 27, 2014

Impeachment and Envy

Two Presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson and Clinton. Neither was convicted by the Senate, although Johnson won by only one vote.

It would be a waste of rime to try to impeach Obama. The main case for this would be that Congress would waste a lot of time. There is a good case for that.

There would have to be a legal reason that the voters would accept. Every President violates the Constitution sufficiently often, so that a plausible legal case might be made for Obama’s impeachment. But it would have to be plausible politically. Otherwise, it would backfire: underdog politics. That was what happened to Clinton. He is supposedly worth something like $80 million, due to speaking fees. That’s getting even? Hardly. Meanwhile, Bush II rarely appears in public. He did not get impeached.

The Senate would not vote to convict Obama. The Democrats would see the horrifying threat: President Biden.

If Joe Biden were to become President of the United States, Hillary Clinton would not get the nomination. Pres. Biden would guarantee that there would never be another President Clinton. Mrs. Clinton would fade into a well-deserved obscurity. She would get to spend the rest of her life changing her hairstyles.

I think a Republican could defeat Biden fairly easily. Even if Biden won, he would be less of a threat to our liberties than Hillary Clinton. He has a marvelous ability to put his foot in his mouth. He would become, not so much a bone of contention as a source of amusement. I don’t think he has the stomach for becoming a dictator. There is something flaky about him. Flaky people make rotten dictators. It is why I would have voted for John Kerry in 2004, had I not written in Ron Paul’s name.



  1. We need another funny president, just to relieve the tension that's been building for two decades.

  2. All of them that do not push for this a$$hole to be taken out of office should be put on notice that their time is short. we will only take it as long as we can then we will stand up and do what needs to be done. If you don't stand up for the people you be pushed out by the people. we are tired of him and have had enough.map


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