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Friday, June 27, 2014

Hillary's Book Sales Crash After 1st Week; Reviews Disastrous

While Piketty's book was divisive, the reviews of Hillary Clinton's new book "Hard Choices" are downright one-sided - and terrible. That likely explains why, as AP reports, sales have crashed 44% after an already disappointing first week. "Hard Choices" sold just 48,000 copies in its 2nd week; and following the same dismal path as Greenspan, Cramer, and Geithner; has been discounted 40% on Amazon already.



  1. I'm amazed that 48,000 copies were sold and that 48,000 people wasted their valuable time reading that garbage - unless the reasoning was for their amusement.

  2. belongs in the fiction section

  3. Maybe the comic book version will sell more copies. With a spin-off cartoon series on Fox, Hill & Bill.


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