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Monday, June 09, 2014

Hillary Clinton Says She Faced Terrible Economic Hardships After Leaving The White House

...So she feels your pain.

If you're out there, working your fingers to the bone, trying to get by, well, congratulations. You're just like Hillary Clinton. You see, the former First Lady understands what it's like to hit financial rock bottom. She knows how hard it can be. She's been there herself, and - just like you - she had to struggle to make ends meet.

All of this, she says, happened after she and her husband left the White House. They were floundering, frightened, destitute, and they had no idea how they'd be able to afford to purchase multiple homes.

Oh sure, we've all been there. But here's Hillary to explain it.



  1. Typical Democrat. Made plenty of money, spent more than they made,and now expect the taxpayers to buy her book? Hillary, "what difference does it make"?

  2. She is a wasted vote and will do nothing but continue Obama's policies.

  3. So broke they bought a mansion in New York. So broke they spent hundreds of thousands on Chelsea's wedding. So full of crap they stink.

  4. Pure Balloon Juice ..."what difference does it make?"

  5. But she still had time to let them die!

  6. Hillary, cry my a river. Maybe it could put out the next batch of raging wild fires in the west.

  7. She " ain't no ways tired", but broke, poor Hillery.

  8. I could show her ecomonic hardship if she would like...Barf!!!


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