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Friday, June 27, 2014

GAO: Medicaid Made $14.4 Billion in ‘Improper Payments’

(CNSNews.com) -- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) determined that the Medicaid program doled out $14.4 billion in improper payments in fiscal year 2013, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Currently, the Medicaid program provides health care coverage to about 71.7 million individuals at an annual cost of about $431.1 billion. Because of the program’s large size, the GAO states it is vulnerable to improper payments.

A significant amount of growth of the Medicare program is due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), popularly known as Obamacare.



  1. And we want to turn our entire Healthcare industry over to these idiots.

  2. 10:40 It's a done deal. No turning back from the roller coaster with only half the tracks built. Weeeeeeeeeee Oh Sh........ Thud.

  3. This makes me so furious, I can barely form a coherent thought.
    Entitlement my azz. And they are planning on more than doubling premiums.

    Those premiums coupled with the cost of secondary insurance premiums will be more than a mortgage.

    Shall we even discuss the cost of drugs?

    The GAO publishes this every year and NOTHING ever gets done about it.

    F the government.

  4. This week it is Medicaid. Last week it was the IRS sending out over payments to people. The government seems to be good a losing money and then raising taxes to cover their mistakes.


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