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Sunday, June 08, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Bergdahl declared jihad, fraternized with Taliban captors, secret documents show

US Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.



  1. He and Obama should be shot. What a decrease to me as a Veteran.

  2. If that's what kept him alive, so be it.
    I will wait till all the facts are in.

  3. Look, this guy & his father have been in co-hoots with the Taliban for years. This was a very well planned mission to free those 5 Taliban detainees. Just wait. This "soldier" & "dad" are not done yet. Next, we'll see that Malysian jet make an appearance ...

  4. 5:44 He walked away as he said he would and carried a days supply of water. He is a trader just like Obama. The man is a deserter and should be shot, period.

  5. Wow. Didn't know Obama was a trader.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    If that's what kept him alive, so be it.
    I will wait till all the facts are in.

    June 5, 2014 at 5:44 PM"

    What are you simple or something? He was a deserter. He walked away from safety into the arms of the terrorists. It's absolutely amazing either how clueless people are or how common sense escapes so many.
    The excuse coming out now is that he was drunk when he walked away. He's obviously a liberal, proficient at lying and making up excuses.
    He should be court marshaled and sentenced to 100 yrs of hard labour. He's garbage. Several lost their lives looking for the scum.

  7. 7:51 no I am not simple or something. But I am willing to wait for the truth to come out.
    Or you can believe what the media and the government feeds you, which would make you naive.

    No matter what happened. The government YOU believe, has tied this person and made him the scapegoat for what your president did, without the legal approval of congress. You sheeple are taking the bait. Court marshaling him will not re-arrest the terrorists your president set free.
    This is propaganda at its absolute best and you took it hook line and sinker.

  8. Obama and those that surround him have become a fatal disease, he should be considered a weapon of mass destruction. The axis of evil occupies the Whitehouse!

  9. Just sit back & wait for all the info to come in. Don't crucify before knowing all info for Fact.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Wow. Didn't know Obama was a trader.

    June 5, 2014 at 6:28 PM

    What did he trade? Furs?

  11. Of course he wanted him out--Obama is muslim, wanted his "brother" out!

  12. Obama is trading America for Soviet style oppression and intimidation.
    It's called socialism.

  13. If he was tortured, he would do whatever it takes. And so would everybody else.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    If he was tortured, he would do whatever it takes. And so would everybody else.

    June 6, 2014 at 7:39 AM"

    Totally irrelevant. He placed himself in the situation.
    And FYI it's not what everyone else would do. You are completely clueless. Educate yourself. It would benefit you greatly. There were many US POW's held in Afghanistan. All were tortured and very few if any converted to islam. Your stupidity is nauseating to those of us of intellectual superiority.

  15. I've rethought and have altered my views on Bergdahl. At first I was very angry with him. Our anger should be placed on obama who as usual handled this like the amateur that he is.
    He essentially turned Bergdahl into a pariah among his fellow Americans. This wasn't handled in a dignified solemn manner like it should have been. His parents should not have been paraded out in front of the public and used as political pawns. That Rice lying abomination should have stayed in bed on Sunday morning instead of adding fuel to the fires.
    obama is not a leader in any sense of the word. The fact stands that he only won because African American votes took him ahead.
    What is nauseating is that blacks have such low standards and don't value honesty and other virtues valued by a civil society. It's no wonder their communities are cesspools of crime and poverty. They need to look no further than a mirror and put into practice honesty and morals and only then will things change for them.

  16. I wonder if that little red beanie he was wearing was part of the initiation process

  17. A thought provoking comment from another post worth reposting-

    "Anonymous said...
    Bergdahl's actions were not those of a sane person. Spending time as a hostage though, slapped some common sense into this dreamer, and gave him the impetus to make escape attempts.
    My heart does go out to the parents. They are nice people who themselves are out of touch with reality. They are California expat ski bums, who decided to move to Idaho, adopt Calvinism and live off the grid.

    June 8, 2014 at 7:53 AM"

  18. If Obama had a white child it would be him.map


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