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Friday, June 06, 2014

Evil or Stupid?


  1. obama is both evil and stupid. He's compensates for his stupidity by being evil. He also has an abnormal hatred of women. This most likely stems from his childhood of not knowing who is father is and having a degenerate 'mother' who instead of nurturing her child, dumped him off so she could continue sleeping with other men.
    He picks pea brained women to put in high positions because they themselves have severe mental problems and like being lead around by the nose and being slaves to men. All the women so far have taken the blame for him and will lie for him at any costs. His wife is the ultimate slave. She is vulgar, crude and gross. No self respecting woman would ever put up with his pathological lying. She herself is a piss poor example of a "mother."

  2. We have never had a president whose performance has been so terrible, whose policies have been so miserably planned and enacted, whose lying permeates everything he says, and who cares so little about this country as to bring it to its knees and then whip it when it's down.

    Evil and stupid doesn't describe it.

  3. And you may add pathological liar.

  4. 6-6-14

    STUPID! Bob Aswell

  5. 9:57 and 11 am - You are wrong.. He is brilliant. He is doing exactly what he set out to do. That is the problem, people think he is dumb and is making mistakes... don't be fooled. His actions are planned and calculated. Any other President would have been run out of town by now and Barry keeps plugging away, lawless and unchecked. He has created laws which are destroying our economy and then changed them so that they did what he wanted them to do.. he ignores the laws he does not want to enforce and what happens to him... Nothing. Is he dumb? He is the dumbest smartest piece of crap to ever enter DC. Carter was dumb, Nixon wanted to be king but was not smart enough, and sorry Slick Willy, even you have been upstaged by this guy...

  6. Agreed he's a cunning little demon. Total elitist minion.

  7. Evil or Stupid?

    Or Both!

  8. 12:32-While you are correct in stating that he is doing exactly what he intends to do, you are giving him way too much credit on the intelligence aspect. He is a mindless brainwashed childlike puppet. Soros, Ayers, and other evil forces are pulling the strings. They are the diabolical geniuses, not our dear community organizer in chief. He is only a mouthpiece and with the media under control, nobody calls him on his lies and he is able to get away with acting smart.


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