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Sunday, June 01, 2014

EnvisionSBY Design Workshop


As we continue the renaissance of downtown Salisbury, we seek your help in shaping the final products and the master plan for Downtown SBY. Please join us for a community workshop this Saturday, May 31 with the Urban Design graduate students, Architecture students and professors from our partner - the University of Maryland. We will meet at 11am in City Council Chambers (Room 301) of the Government Office Building at 125 N. Division Street.

We will spend 4-5 hours together analyzing, commenting and discussing the ongoing work of our partners.

Our progress will be tracked on social media at:
Twitter: @envisionSBY, @downtownSBY
Blog: http://salisbury.md

Please join the students Saturday. They need your feedback!!



  1. No thanks. Not interested in putting a shiny band-Aid on the bullet wound that is Salisbury. How about fixing the roads, lowering taxes, reporting and stopping the pervasive crime epidemic, creating jobs through a business friendly environment and consolidating SPD into the WCSO. I could care less about another pretty cafe or boutique downtown. Way to prioritize, people of "Da Bury"

  2. SSHHH --

    Hear that sucking noise -- its the taxpayers' money going down the drain!

  3. panhandling for free ideas eh? that's the bury

  4. how about more section 8 housing that's what this sh!thole needs most! NOT!

  5. Hey Jakey Poo, since you said you had all the ideas then why are you begging someone to tell you theirs?

    I've got it, they tell you then you take credit for it. Yes that is how we Democrats role!!

  6. Re-open Main Street to two way traffic (like Berlin). Move the plants and statues to the closed city street in Salisbury Park. Just look at the occupancy rate between the section of Main Street that is fully open and compare to the section that is partially closed to traffic.

  7. "renaissance of downtown Salisbury"... really?

  8. The first thing you need to do is find a replacement for SBY. It is too much like a blog name. Our city should not be referred to in the same way as a blog.

  9. All you nay'sayers just stay away. This City is moving forward with or without you. Your negativity will someday consume only yourself.

  10. Anonymous said...
    All you nay'sayers just stay away. This City is moving forward with or without you. Your negativity will someday consume only yourself.

    May 27, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    If it hasn't moved forward in the last 40 years I doubt seriously it isn't going anywhere but backwards or downwards. Nothing you do will make Salisbury into a happening place. There is nothing there and not enough to call it a downtown. Go Blow smoke up someone elses behind.


  11. Needs a bike lane heading west on Rt 50.

    Build some old firehouses w/o parking as venues for 'flavor of the month' ideas. Give them away below appraised value. Rinse; repeat.

    Take more property off the tax rolls.

    Erect statue of mayor at outskirts of town to welcome visitors; something like the little boy fountain theme seems appropriate.

    Since Atlanta has about 28 Peachtree streets, rename every other paved path as 'bury blvd.

    Put skatepark next to nursing home so older folks can pull some gnarly moves.

    Expand monthly street fest to Fifth Friday; require all attendees to BYOB a fifth to really make it a happening time.

    Paste 'bury stickers over decals and signage on all town vehicles. Order polo shirts with logo for worker uniforms.

    Get a trailer hitch and take the fahr boat on restaurant lunch runs. Gonna need to know its way around town when rising seas 'bury the town.

    Buy a Monopoly set; have 'Get Out of Jail' card signed by judgejimmy; laminate and give to council president.

    Have Shorebirds sign R. Pagano to play between third and second bases.

  12. I guarantee you every naysayer here has rarely given and ounce of their time for the betterment of the Salisbury Community, whether to a worthwhile cause (charitable organization) or trying to make Salisbury a better place. One needs to be positive to make things happen! Do you think our forefathers sat around bitchin' and moanin' or were they creative in their thinking and came up with ideas to improve their Community? Come on neighbors, get off you duff and help do something positive for the Salisbury! An NO, I am not connected with local politics, just born and raised in Salisbury and would like everyone try and help make Salisbury a better place :-) !!!

  13. @12:53 Right there with you could not have said it any better. What a waste of time. The last thing we need is more wasted tax payer dollars on beautifying the downtown plaza and area for students to drink spend there nights drinking on.

    The downtown area is nothing but nightlife for college students and young people.

    I moved out of city limits to ensure my tax basis was removed from them to prevent wastes like this. Moved here 8 years ago, I like Joe pay a ton in taxes and it sickens me to see it wasted on crap like this.

    Why not spend taxes on studies on what needs to be done to bring business here. Hell you don't need a study, start wining and dining corporations and treating them well. Cutting fee's, and service rates and get companies here that create 100+ well paying jobs for the area. Oh I'm sorry that goes against what liberals want, they want you dependent on them.

  14. Way to go jake. Keep up the great work.
    To the negative nitwits on this site, please just try to be positive. Please. You will be surprised at how it feels.

  15. The successful models always come from strong resident engagement. Seems Ireton, Day and Gilkerson have skipped that part. What a pity.

  16. Anonymous said...
    I guarantee you every naysayer here has rarely given and ounce of their time for the betterment of the Salisbury Community, whether to a worthwhile cause (charitable organization) or trying to make Salisbury a better place. One needs to be positive to make things happen! Do you think our forefathers sat around bitchin' and moanin' or were they creative in their thinking and came up with ideas to improve their Community? Come on neighbors, get off you duff and help do something positive for the Salisbury! An NO, I am not connected with local politics, just born and raised in Salisbury and would like everyone try and help make Salisbury a better place :-) !!!

    May 27, 2014 at 8:39 PM

    I bet you are wrong Mr. Gilkerson.

    When people start off by saying "no I'm not...." usually means they are. Heck it might even be Jakie himself.

  17. "Anonymous said...
    I guarantee you every naysayer here has rarely given and ounce of their time for the betterment of the Salisbury Community, whether to a worthwhile cause (charitable organization) or trying to make Salisbury a better place. One needs to be positive to make things happen! Do you think our forefathers sat around bitchin' and moanin' or were they creative in their thinking and came up with ideas to improve their Community? Come on neighbors, get off you duff and help do something positive for the Salisbury! An NO, I am not connected with local politics, just born and raised in Salisbury and would like everyone try and help make Salisbury a better place :-) !!!"

    We have been telling you for years and years how to do it, but you will not listen and refuse to even try our ideas. THAT is the first reason that you have so many "Naysayers".

    For instance; take down the parking meters and open the arm gates to the lots and parking garage for a promised 2 years. Then, have all the stores and resulting new businesses chip in just enough of a tax to cover parking infrastructure maintenance.

    The private sector will revitalize the entire Downtown FOR YOU all by themselves with no effort on your part.

    But, you will always be the naysayers to that idea, and therefore be stuck with what you have for the next 40 years.

  18. This is a project of downtown business owners, smart guy. Just come out and see for yourself.

  19. can't stop laughing.....tell the students to move to another city with a future

  20. What a bunch of sick, negative people. Have any of you folks ever tried to say or do something positive or constructive?
    Please show up and see the positive energy for yourselves instead of sitting in your chair slinging mud at people who are attemting to better our community in spite of your negativity

  21. yeah, i tried paying taxes to let a professional handle the job. If he's not capable, maybe he should think about resigning. In the age of intellectual property, only dummies give ideas away, and you always get what you pay for


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