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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Don't Wash Raw Chicken, Experts Warn

You should not wash a chicken before cooking it, Britain's food safety watchdog said on Monday, in a new campaign to reduce food poisoning.

The Food Standards Agency said washing raw chicken spreads the campylobacter bacteria - the most common cause of food poisoning in Britain - onto hands, work surfaces clothing and cooking surfaces.

Campylobacter can cause abdominal pain, severe diarrhea and vomiting, and in some cases death. Those most at risk are children and older people.


  1. After visiting Britain I'm surprised that they actually have food standards.

  2. I'm with you and they don't eat muskrats either.

  3. I have washed my chicken off for years! It's called properly disinfect afterwards!

  4. They don't have soap and water in Britain?


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