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Monday, June 30, 2014

Dana Loesch Puts Her Own Spin on Leftist Chants After Supreme Court’s Contraceptive Ruling

After the Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Affordable Care Act cannot force companies to pay for emergency contraceptives for their employees in violation of their religious beliefs, many on the left reacted with outrage.

“Birth control – not my boss’s business!” was one popular slogan seen throughout social media.

While guest hosting The Glenn Beck Program Monday, Dana Loesch modified some of the more popular slogans, saying hers would be more accurate, though less catchy.



  1. Chuck Cook is violently attacking Republicans on this issue as far as saying kick them out in November. He is twisting it by saying Republicans and Corporations are controlling health care.

    Chuck Cook

    10 hrs · Annapolis, MD ·

    American women, It's now official: the Conservatives on the Supreme Court have decided that your employer now has the right to make your health care decisions for you. Not you. Not your doctor. You, apparently, aren't capable of making that decision for yourselves.

    Let it be noted that the Republican Party supports this move to deny you your own health care decisions.

    Remember this in November.

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    John Gerard Groncki, Mickey Justice and 57 others like this.

  2. They are not denying them birth control they are saying they will NOT pay for the abortion pill. It is not your boss's business and it is also not their responsibility to pay for your bad choices in life. Take a trip to planned parenthood that is why we give them so much money each year.

  3. Some of their parents should have been forced to use birth control many years ago...then we wouldn't have to put up with their BS!

  4. "Why should I have to be responsible for safe sex, and making good decisions?"

    /women logic

  5. Who is this "Chuck Cook" besides being a liar. I hope to hell he doesn't have children himself because he is a horrid example of a parent. In no way, shape or form are a women's right to choose anything compromised.
    What a low class ill bred abomination is this person is for telling lies. Yes, his mother should have had an abortion because she herself had no business having children. She clearly had no morals herself otherwise her son wouldn't lie.

  6. Obamacare is the real war on women only allowing a mamogram every few years.

  7. The Supreme Court decision changes nothing as far as woman health care is concerned. Before Obamacare employers gave you health care insurance it is suppose to cover doctors and hospitals for sickness and accidents. It was never suppose to cover your sex life. Most health care charge an extra fee for prescriptions. Medicare does not even cover prescriptions for the elderly they have to pay extra out of their Social Security for life sustaining drugs for diabetes, blood pressure and all other necessary drugs. Birth control is not necessary to keep you alive. Also Hobby Lobby is covering 16 out of 20 birth control options . So get over it already.


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