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Friday, June 27, 2014

Christians Considered Terrorists and Mentally Unstable by U.S. Government


  1. I was taught that in "God We Trust" and that the U.S. was "One Nation Under God."

  2. 2:18-
    Not trying to be offensive by any means, however, at one point, people were "taught" that the earth was flat.

    They were taught this because no one knew any better.

  3. 3:10 - People were taught the earth was flat a billion years ago by fools. I have a strong feeling that I'm reading the words of a liberal atheist. If you don't appreciate the fact that "In GOD We Trust" is our nation's motto - last time I swirled a globe around, I noticed almost 200 countries you can move to.

    You know what else I was taught? I was taught by Ronald Reagan that - "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." And that's exactly what our nation is.

  4. It is not a national motto. It is a quote forced on us in the 1950's by a president who was pushing his evangelist beliefs.

  5. 3:10. Were you also taught that there no humans on earth a billion years ago.

  6. 6:35 - it's actually 3:59, not 3:10.

    In regards to the "billion years ago" remark, it's referred to as - "sarcasm."

  7. You stupid liberals need to wake up. Obama is helping the Muslims take over the world and trying to lock up the only people with their head out of the sand Christian Americans.


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