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Thursday, June 26, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court limits president’s recess appointment power

Supreme Court limits president’s power to make temporary appointments to high-level government posts, ruling unanimously that President Obama went too far in naming members to a labor board during a brief Senate recess.



  1. Finally, people with the gonads to stand up to Obama. He's run over the Constitution with a steam roller. Now, lets put it into reverse.

  2. Taking down OBAMAS illegal laws down one at a time...

  3. The Supreme court Finally waking the hell up.

  4. SCOTUS got one right this time....blows away the NLRB thingy!

    More ammo for Speaker Boehner's lawsuit!

    These guys need to go!

  5. 6-26-14
    Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Have the stones to do something about it and not pussy-foot all around it.

  6. Obama just responded that since they think its wrong he has a pen that can fix the problem signed a paper and smacked an easy button.

  7. Obama ignores the Constitution so why would he follow a Supreme Court decision? His staff said in 2009 as he took office -- He was ready to "rule." Not govern like a President but RULE like an absolute monarch.

  8. He threatened the Supreme Court a few years ago regarding a decision,but if I recall correctly it was before the decision was made vs after.


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