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Sunday, June 15, 2014

BREAKING: Eric Cantor Plans To End His Tenure As House Majority Leader on July 31.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) plans to step down from his leadership post by the end of July, setting off a weeks-long scramble for the chamber’s number two job, according to three Republicans familiar with his plans.

Cantor will formally announce his plans later Wednesday in a meeting with his House Republican colleagues in the basement of the U.S. Capitol.

Cantor’s decision – made just hours after he lost a primary contest to tea party-backed economist Dave Brat – comes as several senior Republicans began scrambling Wednesday to build support and fill the leadership vacuum.



  1. Money won't always buy an election!
    Tea Party is not dead - but unless the Republicans coalesce around the guy that beat Cantor in the Primary - the Dumbocrats will have that seat too!

    Amnesty for illegals is against the will of the people - you should have listened.....

  2. Why wait.. he can step down tomorrow. Hope he does not try to work with the King to get amnesty done between now and july 31...

  3. All this will do is ensure a dumbocrap will win the seat.
    Way to go Virginia!!

  4. All the Tea Party has done is assure a Democrat will win in November.

  5. 3:08 and 3:36 are naive. Keep drinking the koolaid the MSM is feeding you.

  6. Ye of little faith.. They are not in the Republic of Maryland. Va still has a ton of red...

  7. Oh the left is going nuts over this. Now they are saying he did not win because he is Jewish and Republicans hate Jews. I find that a bit funny since they all claim republicans cling to their Bible. Maybe they should read a bible and find out that Jesus was a Jew!

  8. Canter did not listen to the people who supported him. Here at home, Conway and Mathis don't listen to us either. Let's send them packing as well.

  9. The TEA Party wins hands down on hard right politics with virtually NO MONEY? And, all the Dems can say is that THEY can beat the pants off him? Maybe electronically, but not in a fair election.

  10. Don't worry about Cantor, he'll become a K Street Lobbyists (Whore) and make more money than ever.

  11. 5:23 aren't they all whores? cept maybe cruz and rand.

  12. He got his arse whipped by a poor Tea Party representative! With no money! No Union support!

    The Democratic "machine" needs to keep up with what they are doing; making fun of this new wave. It will be their downfall.

    Nighty night, Democrats and establishment Republicans!

  13. I'm with 303, why wait until past tomorrow morning? To fulfill the rapes you have had planned before you go"

    Screw you. Stop the job this week, or yesterday, period.

  14. Need to throw all the bums out from both parties. The Democrats and establishment Republicans.

  15. You guys realize Ronald Reagan was in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants, right?

  16. Stock market took a hit after this result. Tells you who he was really working for.


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