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Friday, June 27, 2014

Blind Faith

Obamacare, the Stimulus, TARP, Fast and Furious, support of the Egyptian regime change, Libyan Leading from Behind, four American killed in Benghazi, blaming a video for the Benghazi attacks, the IRA targeting, NSA email and phone file storage, Syrian Red Line, the Russian takeover of Crimea, the VA handling of veterans, release of Taliban terrorists from Guantanamo, the onslaught of children crossing the Mexican border, two years of lost emails of the key IRS individual and now Iraq.

I can’t imagine any previous U.S. President having so many scandals attributed to his administration and virtually none of them adequately answered or resolved. One must reasonably ascribe the failure to question these issues and ferret out the truth by a lack of earnest reporting by a sympathetic media that ignores the denials, stonewalling and misdirections of the White House. Were there any other person in occupancy at $17 Trillion Pennsylvania Avenue NW, I’d wager the lame-brain press would be bellowing that such action or, more often and more accurately, inaction represents a massive conspiracy to change our nation into something entirely different. But the press, that guarantor of truth and honesty, is asleep at the wheel while our American Republic is raced injudiciously toward becoming a European social democracy.

But what’s truly astounding is the poll numbers of individuals who still trust the president! This is blind faith beyond comprehension! I’ve heard all the left-wing zealots who advocate bigger government beyond the specifics of the Constitution. I’ve heard the collectivists who stupidly want open borders and a non-existent military. And I’ve heard the dismissals of complete lies about what Obamacare would bring – keep your plan, keep your doctor, etc. – bad enough when it’s political spin, criminal when total fraud.

Religiously, as Christians, Jews or Muslims, we rely on blind faith of a Creator who will deliver on the words we deem as our respective holy documents. We may come to that decision as we view the magnificence of the universe, the intricacies of a flower or the beauty of procreation of all species. Blind faith in our Creator is not an unreasonable practice in that most preach beyond the faith must be good or charitable works for our fellow man. History, however, has shown faith in our fellow man must also be combined with unfiltered verification.

But perhaps part of those good works are embodied in the old maxim of never saying ill of someone unless you can also find something good to say about them. Beyond the trappings of a good husband and father, I’ve diligently searched for the good things of Obama and finally come up with:



  1. To my dear Republican friends:

    The list of "scandals" at the beginning of this article are, in fact, not scandals at all. (The exception is the trouble at the VA, which is a scandal of the past 4 presidents, at least).

    No, these are called "policy differences." These are the policy outcomes of a significant electoral margin.

    Labeling everything that doesn't go right (in your opinion) during a President's term in office as a "scandal" makes it much harder to deal with real scandals when they arise, and make it less likely the American people will entrust the keys of the White House to your party in 2016.

    Your Independent Friend

  2. Dear Independent Friend,
    Go back to your Kool Aid and please don't vote.

    Instead, lock yourself up in a hold and read some history books.

    The democrats have held the majority power in this country for the last 25 years.

  3. 9:10.. sorry to disagree.. Not political differences. Obamacare is a scandal. From the way it was passed through congress to the contents. This was not the choice of the people and the Administration works for the people. If you don't think passing a bill this significant and having a past Speaker of the House say, 'we will have to pass it to know what is in it,' is not a scandal, then you are not an Independent Friend.. you are one of the blind following the rest of the Socialist off the cliff.

  4. instead of scandal, howabout we use the word "murder" - i.e., Fast and Furious & Benghazi & drone strikes

  5. Blind faith in anything (religion, people, etc) is always wrong.

  6. Dear Independent Friend,

    You are such a partisan idiot that I won't waste my time debating you.

    The media's actions regarding the behavior of the current administration border on criminal.


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