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Monday, June 30, 2014

Ban On Grain Alcohol Goes Into Effect In Md. Tuesday

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- A ban on grain alcohol sales and new laws aimed at helping victims of crime and their family members are taking effect in Maryland.

The new laws go on the books Tuesday.

Maryland is banning the sale of alcohol that is 190-proof and stronger. The law had strong backing from leaders of colleges, who said grain alcohol provides a cheap way for students to get drunk quickly.



  1. So much for our jungle juice.

  2. It's not grain alcohol, it's fuel for my race car!

  3. Funny how over 190 is pretty much unachievable anyways! I'll have a 189, please!

  4. Hello delmar liquors!

  5. Why not just ban drinking on campus. Why punish Adults who are already out of college and living life.seriously . College kids aren't even old enough to drink till senior year in most cases.their point was mute.

  6. 1136 and 1205 have the right ideas! good thing those college kids can't get 5 minutes north of Salisbury! oh, wait....

  7. What the college leaders are saying is that students in college lack the intelligence level to avoid stupidity. Imagine that!! I thought Kerry said if one is stupid they join the military and one who is intelligent goes to college. I guess Martin O'Malley and college professors can toss that out of the window.

  8. If you don't make your own, you're doing it wrong anyway.

  9. more laws to protect yourselves, from yourselves. they talk about taking personal responsibility, but yet, they won't allow you to.

    what's the difference between the mafia and any form of government?

    the mafia is fair and the gov is legal.


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