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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Across America, Police Departments Are Quietly Preparing For War

At first blush, the title of this post could be perceived as somewhat hyperbolic by those who still have an impression of America's police departments as bastions of safety, designed "to protect and to serve" the population of the "land of the free." However, said impression would be promptly washed away upon reading an article in today's NYT  which citing Pentagon data, reveals that under the Obama administration, "police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft."

Which begs the question: just who is America's police force, and by extension the Obama administration, which is behind this quiet militarization of local police forces with weapons that would normally be seen in a warzone, preparing for war against?

And while we already documented America's conversation to a turnkey totalitarian banana republic (confirmed over a year later by Edward Snowden), behold America's conversion to a police state:



  1. I am not ever going to believe that the average cop from a local PD is going to ever go against or fire on his or her fellow American. We saw that with the feds in Nevada and the Bundy standoff.

  2. Since the Patriot act, the american people have now become the enemy's of this government. Jefferson warned of this, and so did Washington. Time to trim the branch's of liberty. A good pruning needs to be done!

  3. The government is giving Police Departments free or nearly free equipment. Equipment that the Police Departments would never be able to afford. I agree most Departments don't need huge anti-mine vehicles, but a Humvee could definitely be useful during the next hurricane or blizzard. Scopes and camp have you worried then every deer or rabbit hunter in this area must scare the sh:t out of you. Local police departments are not arming for war against citizens. They are taking advantage of free or nearly free military surplus equipment, something that all citizens have been able to do at local stores for decades. Anon 1041 is correct, your average local cop is not going to turn on their friends, neighbors, and family members. The crazy ass cop that does go rogue and turn on you - we will go after him.

  4. 10:41, operative word for you; naïve...

  5. 39 cops were killed by civilians in 2013. In the same time frame, over 300 civilians were killed by cops. They are ALREADY firing upon us.

  6. If it's war they want, it will be war they get! Plenty of ex military that are already pissed off. Plenty of training available, and excellent hunters and marksmen around. The revolutionary war was made up of people like this fighting an oppressive government. Looks like history will repeat itself.

  7. I totally disagree with some of the comments dealing with police officers. There are plenty of good men in law enforcement that are just as angry at what is going on. I don't think they will all shoot on civilians. The are also family men active in the community and church. I know this, because I am one of them.

  8. Free or not, cops need MACHINE GUNS? AMORED vehicles?
    The police do what they are ordered to do. For anyone who thinks they won't set up roadblocks, do mass arrests, and shoot anyone who doesn't comply, I would refer you to footage of the recent mass assault (by the....wait for it....POLICE) on the civilian population of Boston.
    The police (at gunpoint and with the willingness to kill for "noncompliance", AND.....following orders...) forced innocent citizens out of their homes, hands up!! and searched everything and everyone. Resist and you were getting shot.
    Is anyone saying the police are so very stupid that they didn't know that was VERY illegal? Of course they knew. And did it anyway --- so please STOP with the cop line of "we would NEVER do anything like "turning on our friends, family, or neighbors". They HAVE done that already and WILL do it again. You may have an OPINION otherwise, but the facts are slapping you across the face and saying "wake the hell up!".

  9. Imclain, I do agree with you to a point. As long as things remain with a cushy paycheck and a happy home for the police, things will remain as you say. But, if the money collapses, and everybody has nothing, a cop's home is not secure. When the payroll stops, nobody's beholding to anybody and police will begin to "Serve and Protect" in their own best interest.

    But it's going to take way down the road for that to happen.

  10. 11:24 Is speaking the truth,

    I had a co-worker ask me what was the Bundy ranch deal really about, It was just a practice run to see what, how the Americans would react, you really think the BLM was afraid, no they wanted a reaction they got one now they know what to expect and how they will deal with us that are against them. Sheeple its time to wake up...


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