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Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Viewer Writes: Is Matt Holloway Scamming Wicomico County?

Since posting that list of property owners who want to sell conservation easements on their farms to the State, we have learned that one of them, referred to on the list as Log Cabin Properties, LLC, is connected to a member of the Wicomico County Council, Matt Holloway. Now, he did abstain from the vote by the Council to support the purchase of the development right with tax dollars, but most folks have no idea that he is involved with the potential seller.

There's more: as a result of those state mandates that prevent development in the agricultural districts, which Mr. Holloway seems to support, that development right has probably become all but worthless – yet the State may be paying good money for it if the deal goes through.

Now, would you call that a scam?


  1. No, many farmers do this to keep their land from being developed, assuring the land will be used for farming purposes only in the future.

  2. highly suspect and a clear conflict of interests if not something else.

  3. 7:53am No conflict of interests. He abstained from the vote. Peddle that nonsense somewhere else.

  4. He did right by abstaining.

    He has other RINO issues though!

  5. Who is the owner of Log Cabin Properties, LLC ?

  6. Sorry he may have abstained but what if any influence did he have over other members of the council. Did they know he had a dog in the hunt ?? All in all there are many things we need to know to make an educated guess. Lets face it folks hang all the lawyers and politicians. Start over lol

  7. Ever since he had the director of public works design his stormwater system I haven't supported him.

  8. The name on the list is not correct -- it's called Log Cabin Road Properties, LLC and its registered agent is Robert Holloway (his father, I believe).

  9. 7:50 --

    If the state rules make it impossible to subdivide a farm for development, why does anyone have to do anything involving tax dollars to prevent development. It's a huge scam with public funds.

  10. his voting for a tax increase was the issue I have with him

  11. That "Log Cabin" group bought those properties just last year -- this really looks like a scam.

  12. Most of you have the scam backwards! It is the State of Maryland scamming the rural families (Maryland's new minority)! Rich Hall (current Director of Maryland Department of Planning)did an analysis through the University of Maryland and funded by USDA. In the course of that study he identified that the cost of easements for the State of Maryland could be brought down significantly simply by stripping the rural properties of their property rights. Virtually everything that he and O'Malley has done to rural Maryland has been designed to bring down the cost of Maryland easements, not to help the environment or the Chesapeake Bay. In that light the State of Maryland has already stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Holloways and other Maryland farmers. The fact that Matt's father is trying to get a little money for what is left shouldn't be a bone of contention!

  13. Land hoarders have become part of the "entitled" crew thru farm subsidies and programs like this.
    Under the new tier system, development is limited without the handout of taxpayer money.

  14. This looks to be about the same as Mikey Dunn's deal when he was on the Salisbury Council -- "Sassafras"!

  15. 10:06 --

    Then why is the State still paying biog bucks for development rights?

    And how much is "a little money" that his family wants to get from the State?

  16. Mr./Ms. 10:06,

    I would agree about Matt Holloway's father collecting taxpayers' bucks if this were the old family farm that he had tilled for years as a man of the soil, but that ain't so. He's a professional who bought that place last year as an investment, and now wants to use his connection to cash in.

  17. I'm voting for Cannon and Boda in the primary (not Holloway) this week at the early voting.

  18. Not a scam...he abstained and is doing business in Wicomico County. I want a county council member who works hard at a business for his livelihood. Not many understand how real world actions and inactions effect our county.

  19. I would call it BUSINESS!! A private matter that is not about politics.

  20. Absolutely it's a scam and he is no good for Wicomico County, period.

  21. Maybe that easement payment is how the investment became affordable.

    He abstained from the vote and his involvement is public knowledge. It does not reek of corruption.

  22. 10:06.. you got it! It is the State who is screwing the people.. and they have given there children's, children's, rights away. Who knows what that property could be used for 100 or 150 years from now...

  23. Why is it that anytime someone legally makes money you people complain? The father bought property and sold the development rights as he is entitled to do. You complain that there are too many developments with homes in foreclosure and you complain that these properties can't be developed. You complain about the traffic, but limiting development cuts down on the number of new homes. The common thread is that you people just complain about everything.

  24. Not only do they want to complain about everything, they want to see a scandal behind every legal action of which they do not approve.

  25. 1:03 and 11:48 --

    It's not about making money -- it's about getting public funds.

    And it's not about stopping development -- the State of Maryland has already done that.

  26. Joe:

    Has Matt Holloway ever voted against one of Pollitt's tax increases or budgets???

    Can you say "RINO"?

  27. @4:09

    Unfortunately, limiting part-time representatives from all public programs really makes it hard to be a business person. If there's some evidence of wrong-doing, throw the book at him. But on the face, it appears that he's been above board about it.

  28. What is wrong with you people? You all find fault in everything without knowing the entire story & whine about the leaders here. This gentleman is the President of the County Council and all you can do is to run his good name in the ground & you do it without signing your name. Come on, man up & sign you name to these vicious comments you have made here.

  29. 5:02 --

    Yes, Matt Holloway abstained, as required.

    But the gist of this episode is trying to slop at the public trough to profit from an investment his family's "LLC" made a year ago, possibly with the plan to get a government subsidy.

    He's lost my vote for that and other things he has done.

  30. I supported Matt Holloway in the last election, after all his last name is Holloway In my conversation with him he played it up to be a conservitive he even dropped Joe Holloway's name saying we needed more councilmen like Joe.
    What a joke I urge everyone I talk to that they should not vote for Matt Holloway.

  31. We need more people like Matt Holloway to step up as advocates for what use to be defined as morality. Stop assuming stop complaining and attend council meetings get educated on real Issues such as lack of jobs and pollution of our local waterways. Matt..excellent job at fighting for what many people tend to take for granted. The livlihood of our livlihoods. Where would we be without rural/agricultural advocates!! You will yet again have both my father and my vote which although normally a complete democratic ticket will again reflect one republican choice. Fight for whats right and just for our rural community as its often forgotten.

  32. Because he voted for the property tax increase in hard economic times and difficult times for the people he was supposed to represent, I will not be voting for this RINO.
    I don't care what their reasons, you don't tax your way to prosperty. We need jobs to increase the tax base.

  33. Hey Matt, what kind of favors or kickbacks did you get for voting for the tax increase?

  34. Matt Holloway does not have what it takes to stand up to Pollitt and the other tax and spenders and therefore will not get my vote.

    This county needs officials that will stand up for the working people who live here.


  35. Didn't matt Holloway's farm also sell produce grown hydroponically to the board of Ed?

  36. Hey Matt, how does it feel to sell out to special interests? I can't wait to vote against you! Will pray you don't get elected again!

  37. 9:26am Bob, you know the answer to that, so why are you putting it out there. Are you jealous of Matt?

  38. Early voting is underway.

    Don't vote for the RINO!

    But VOTE!

  39. Thankfully Maryland through the MALPF and Rural Legacy Programs have recognized the fact that there is a need for land protection; most specifically Agriculture. The program that Log Cabin LLC entered into is one that everyone else in the State can apply for regarding land protection conservation easements. Not knowing all the details of this transaction, I presume that ALL of the development rights have been extinguished, like most other MALPF easements in the State. If not, then the payment value of the easement was significantly discounted. Regardless, this is in PERPETUITY. I certainly cannot see into the future and presume that no else can either, so by preserving this property in perpetuity we are ensured that it will be a viably producing agricultural parcel forever.

    One can never know for sure that Maryland's limits on development will continue the way it has been. So for that, kudos to Mr. Holloway and his Family for legally purchasing, legally applying for the easement and for Mr. Holloway legally abstaining from the motion and vote to protect this property from changing from Agriculture forever.

    If this land preservation program, along with the other 12 State and Federal Programs that I can think of off the top of my head concern you than please contact your State and Federal Legislators and question them for change in the programs.

    Furthermore, I would recommend that you inform yourselves and research all of the land preservation and Cost Share programs offered by Maryland and the United States. Maybe you too could benefit from them financially.

    But please don't be quick to judge the Holloways or any other hundreds of landowners in the state that enroll in land preservation and cost share programs offered by this State and the United States.

  40. I agree with those critical of this guy voting for tax increases. What world is he living in? He clearly does not care about the economic challenges citizens in this county are facing.

    He has demonstrated quite clearly that he believes it easier to support Pollitt's proposed tax increases, than trying to find ways to reduce government costs, reduce personnel through attrition and curtail spending. He is a true RINO, and will not be getting my, nor any member of my family's vote!

  41. Please DO NOT VOTE for Matt Holloway. He is already showing us that he is an a** kisser and crooked like the rest of the democrats.

  42. 9:44pm You are so dead wrong. It was said the county retired/laid off around 100 personnel to reduce the budget. And, by the way, what is a "true RINO?"

    10:46pm My Family of 4 WILL VOTE FOR Matt Holloway.

  43. Taxpayers should not be paying for land conservation,period.It encourages political campaign payback on the taxpayers dime.

  44. We voted for Boda. At least he has a plan to address many of our issues.


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