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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Viewer Asks...

This is on Wesley Dr. By tcby. It was commercial but when did it change to residential... Not sure if it is in the City bit it is City Water.


  1. It is student housing so no city taxes. Also the university can build what they like since it is a higher education campus.

  2. It's in the County zoned "Residential, Educational, Cultural".

    But look out if you choose to live there. Look around. Do you see any other residences? Nope. Perfect setting for burglary, rape, and other crime. Nobody there after 5...

  3. This is part of the college empire. They control everything in that area.

  4. Progress. Wonderful to see. All naysayers go away.

  5. 8:16AM - How about college go away?

  6. 8:31- As much as the college kids annoy the hell out of me, if the college leaves, the city of Salisbury would suffer majorly.

  7. 8:16AM - How about college go away?

    June 18, 2014 at 8:31 AM

    Get rid of the best positive in the area? The area will be totally doom and gloom then. Some people just love to be miserable.

  8. It's in the county. It has city water and sewer. It's not being built by the university. It is being built by a well-known residential/commercial developer who builds and maintains superior properties throughout the area. It fits the county zoning plan. Taxes will be generated and collected by the county. Water and sewer fees will be paid to the city.

    What's the beef?

  9. @10:48

    The slumlords are upset they are not getting a piece of the action but then again these large developers are pretty scummy as well.

    Either way, hooray for more tax revenue and more student housing options.

  10. 11:18:


    The slumlords (they know who they are) who bought out whole neighborhoods after pulling prices down with a couple of scummy properties are not liking the new student housing options. They can't get $600+ per month per bedroom from working people, only students' parents can afford that, and if students go elsewhere, what most likely happens with the rental properties? You get three guesses.


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