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Sunday, June 08, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: "principal kissing the pig"

To whomever this May concern, 

My child attends Delmar elementary school and as I'm sure your probably aware (since there have been a lot of complaints) there is an issue I would like addressed. I just wanted to share my concerns about the whole "principal kissing the pig" assembly that is scheduled for this afternoon. My child, as well as many others, has completed her monthly reading incentive not only for the required last three months but for every month for the entire school year. The principal kissing the pig is all I've heard about every night for the last few months since the whole incentive was proposed to begin with. In my opinion denying the children the incentive after they have put In their hard work and completed their part is very discouraging and, quite frankly, sends the wrong message to them. I do not believe anything productive will come from taken this opportunity away from the ones who deserve it because others children who did not. All this is achieving is showing them that it doesn't matter how hard your work or how responsible you are for your own actions you will always pay the price for those who were too lazy or lack motivation. No wonder this is the outlook we as a society has, it's being imbedded in their minds from the beginning. I'm sure in some of the classes that reached their percentage to receive this incentive there are children who didn't even participate one month, let alone all three, yet they still get the reward because enough of their classmates cared to make an effort. This doesn't sound like a very good message to me. I understand that sometimes this whole class participation incentive idea works and can even encourage children to do better however this was based on an INDEPENDENT reading incentive that was to be done AT HOME with a parents signature. There is not a darned thing anyone could have done to actually make those kids read besides the parent so why are the classmates being punished for their laziness or lack of parenting?? Way to encourage effort and hard work!!!


  1. Am I to understand that the principal will not be kissing the pig? I think I'm missing something important.

  2. my son said she kissed the pig yesterday....

  3. I wholeheartedly agree..never heard of the pig kissing thing, but I can tell you that Glen Avenue school for one has turned into the same crap you are speaking of. My son has had enough of it. I will be so glad when we get out of that school. It used to be a phenomenal school. All the kids walked in the door, and parents, welcomed. There was a love there..not so much anymore. Even an employee there told me how discouraging it is to see the kids with behavior issues and no respect for anyone at all get the incentive programs, while the kids who have decency get absolutely nothing. My son has completely withdrawn, and prior to this year he was thriving. He absolutely hates it. Even the teachers seem down this year. There used to be enthusiasm that came direct from the administration and teachers, and filtered into the students. As a parent I could TRUST that the administration and teachers were doing their best to encourage students. Yes, there are a select few who still seem to sparkle, but only a few.

  4. I'm not sure I'm understanding. The kiss pig event was supposed to be for student achievement but then was altered to include all the students?
    Whatever though, no one should ever be rewarded for not going above what is expected. To reward someone for doing what they should and are expected to do is all that is wrong with children and adults.

  5. Umm...I don't get it. Are you saying that the school didn't reach the goal? Yes, that stinks (i guess) but shouldn't your anger be directed at the parents who didn't step up?

  6. The writer of this seems to have left out some information because I read it twice and I am still confused as to what she is talking about.

    Over all I agree that kids that work hard should not be brought down to the level of those that don't.

  7. It is our job as parents to push our children to complete such activities. My son goes to Delmar, and has received many individual incentives such as shore bird tickets, and pizza hut coupons, and recognition at awards. The children who don't read don't receive these things. If the writer is upset because they included all the kids you need to hit the source which would be the parents, maybe Delmar decided to include all kids due to end of school year.

  8. CORE curriculum!

  9. I think this writer might be a poster child for Core Curriculum. Try to read what was written!

  10. 6-6-14
    Why don`t all of you people move yourselves and your children to another state; preferably one that is a good distance from here. You and your liberal b*%#t#@T too.

    1. All of the comments are from 6-6-14. Maybe the principal could kiss you.

  11. 12:40 Educated locally huh? It shows.

  12. 10:40, are you okay with those awards? You know your tax dollars paid for them, right?

  13. It must be nice for an issue like this to be what motivates one to send a letter to the editor. Most of us have real problems to deal with on a daily basis like paying our bills, taxes and putting food on the table.

  14. Really?? You are upset because all the students got to see the pricipal kiss the pig?? You actually took time out of you life to make this comment? Just be thankful your kid reads.. that should be reward enough.

  15. I wish this was all I had to worry about in life...

  16. ...she isn't upset because ALL students got to see "the principal kiss the pig".. She is upset because her child met the requirements requested to be able to see "the principal kiss the pig" and not enough of her child's classmates did, so her child DID NOT get the reward, even though she did what was required of her.

  17. If the situation is as 2:26 describes, that's par for the course now in public schools. It's like group work. You're put in a group, and you're told all will get the same grade. If two won't work, your choice is to take a low grade or do the work for the two slackers. Guess what responsible kids choose to do? It's preparing them for adult life when they'll do the work for the ones who won't.

  18. Most kids don't read on their own. Most parents don't even think about education and what their child must do to progress. This is why students are performing so poorly. it proves the point because parents are not actively involved students don't do well and all want to blame lack of learning on teachers.

  19. actually i think this is a good post. When they sent the letter home it stated that if they complete the next three months of reading then they will get to see the principal kiss the pig. The day of it comes and they don't get to see it because some students in their class didn't. that is ridiculous. They should have stated that on the paper they sent home. There is many teacher that could have sat with the students that didnt read, so that the children that completed the reading could get rewarded with what they were promised!


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