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Sunday, June 08, 2014



  1. Written and signed? ...by who?

  2. So who sent it?

  3. 8:09 & 8:13, Good question. Clearly it was written by a Firefighter and perhaps a Volunteer. No matter who wrote it, it's true.

  4. You cannot say this is true any more than any other anonymous post. Why don't you ask Pollitt who sent it? He obviously didn't give it to you.

  5. No not entirely true. The department does not self dispatch on every EMS calls. EMS runs 12,000 calls a year, and fire runs 3,000. There is 9,000 call difference. The funds from EMS billing goes into the city's general fund.

  6. Even when told that a fire truck is unnecessary they still send one. Told me they were "in the area". I also saw a fire truck dispatched to a doctor's office for an ambulance call. I understand accidents because a fire could develop but a doctor's office for a heart patient?

    1. All engines are staffed with a medical provider.
      The writer of this xerox is clueless as to the rest of the haters Of sfd. This topic is getting old and boring. It's time to find real news to talk about on this site . It's a shame when I know This site will bash our fire fighters as quick as Nancy grace blames the parents for every kid disappearance

  7. Those who understand the process of emergency dispatching know that calls are processed and dispatched by the Wicomico Co 911 center. Calls for service do not come to the fire stations. Priority status of A-E is established by the call taker and dispatched accordingly. Fire units are assigned on multiple levels of calls to provide assistance to ambulance crews for patient care, packaging and lifting.
    City code prevents Volunteer members from carnivals,chicken BBQs and other similar fund raising ventures and has done so for over 75 years. Even if they were permitted the Volunteer membership could not effectively pull it off. They struggle effectively turn out enough manpower to respond to calls, let alone do fund raising.
    The simple fact of the matter is that al station in Wicomico Co. get the same amount of funding per station for fire response. Ambulance companies get additional funding. For example Powellville that may receive 25 fire calls a year gets the same amount of funding as Salisbury who handle around 3000 or so. This is not the formula used by many governments. In order to fully understand the complexities of this issue you need to have a first hand knowledge of the fire service and how most are funded. Perhaps your document would have some validity if it were signed.

    1. Then explain Hebron and how they puloff a carnival with volunteers

  8. The first thing that jumps off the page is EMS billing pays for SFDs operations. FALSE ! Funds from EMS billing go directly into the Citys general fund account. A black hole that doesn't even fund new ambulances that were worn out. I don't know who wrote this letter, but they certainly do not know the facts of EMS billing.

  9. The Fire Dept. charter does not prohibit fund raising it is the City of Salisbury's charter that prohibits any fund raising. So it is not an easy fix.

  10. 9:30, that's true. However, Pollitt could put pressure on Ireton to change the Charter.

    1. And open up the city to law suits? I'm sorry but we all know The type of people majority living in salisbury

  11. 9:30 - It could very well be an easy fix if Ireton would just do it - but will he? No, probably not, which is absolutely ridiculous.

  12. Looks like the county executive office needs a new "received" stamp.

  13. To those Firefighters asking me questions through comments anonymously, send me a direct e-mail and I will respond. Until then, your comments will not be published. This is not a kiddie chat room.

  14. Would you not consider fund raising a tax? What if fund raising does not raise enough funds?

  15. add a #4 to the writers list!!

    why does hoppes and tull ride around in unmarked cars?? they are NOT cops!! makes it easier to use after hours i guess. And why are their windows tinted so black (beyond the legal limit)? Again they are not cops. More proof of abuse and waste of our tax dollars. Fire them all!!

  16. this needs to be investigated and all truth must be exposed. it's hard to run a dept., business, government, etc. without truthful facts.

    just like what is going on with the BOE and our school system; lies, lies and more lies. get the truth out, lance the boils so they can heal.

  17. Anonymous said...
    You cannot say this is true any more than any other anonymous post. Why don't you ask Pollitt who sent it? He obviously didn't give it to you.

    June 5, 2014 at 8:43 AM

    It is true so quit being an idiot. Obviously it was written by someone who is intimately involved in the fire service and my guess is one of the more intelligent members who serve in a higher capacity. This is true and the other fire companies know it. The Salisbury Fire Department has been self dispatching for several years and a memo was submitted to all line officers. This memo was created and submitted by none other than Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy and continues today.

    Some of the 911 dispatchers even repeating with the engine officer saying "Engine 16 is responding on the self dispatch for the medical assist." I wish the 911 Director would make it policy for the dispatcher to always repeat the engine response as a "self dispatch" or tell them they weren't dispatched and to return to service.

  18. Anonymous said...
    No not entirely true. The department does not self dispatch on every EMS calls. EMS runs 12,000 calls a year, and fire runs 3,000. There is 9,000 call difference. The funds from EMS billing goes into the city's general fund.

    June 5, 2014 at 8:47 AM

    The point being made is that of the 3,000 calls you mention 97% of them are self dispatched medical assists designed at chasing the ambulance and job justification.

    The funding may go in the general fund, but that is used to offset the request for spending on expensive toys.

    Get a life BOZO!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Those who understand the process of emergency dispatching know that calls are processed and dispatched by the Wicomico Co 911 center. Calls for service do not come to the fire stations. Priority status of A-E is established by the call taker and dispatched accordingly. Fire units are assigned on multiple levels of calls to provide assistance to ambulance crews for patient care, packaging and lifting.
    City code prevents Volunteer members from carnivals,chicken BBQs and other similar fund raising ventures and has done so for over 75 years. Even if they were permitted the Volunteer membership could not effectively pull it off. They struggle effectively turn out enough manpower to respond to calls, let alone do fund raising.
    The simple fact of the matter is that al station in Wicomico Co. get the same amount of funding per station for fire response. Ambulance companies get additional funding. For example Powellville that may receive 25 fire calls a year gets the same amount of funding as Salisbury who handle around 3000 or so. This is not the formula used by many governments. In order to fully understand the complexities of this issue you need to have a first hand knowledge of the fire service and how most are funded. Perhaps your document would have some validity if it were signed.

    June 5, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    This is obviously a paid person in the know who is justifying their jobs. How do you know the volunteers couldn't effectively handle any fundraisers? What have you done to recruit and retain active volunteers.

    Your point about Powellville running on 25 calls and Salisbury running on 3,000 calls clearly proves that the Salisbury Fire Department is inflating their call volume to get paid more from the county and also justify the full compliment of over 60 paid firemen.

    The bottom line is the fact that it is cheaper to respond a second ambulance on a "medical assist" if actually needed than a $500,000 fire engine with 6 or more paid firemen on board who get to sleep every night while getting paid.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The Fire Dept. charter does not prohibit fund raising it is the City of Salisbury's charter that prohibits any fund raising. So it is not an easy fix.

    June 5, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    It is an easy fix, just do it. They changed the job of the City Solicitor without any problem so they can definitely change the wording in the charter.

    By the way if it is against the code for Salisbury to have any fundraisers then why are they doing raffles? Why have they ran concession stands at the Salisbury Festivals? Something just doesn't sound right here.

    Why do they do the "Fill the Boot" campaign. Why do they ring the bell for the Salvation Army. Why do they participate in the Breast Cancer events and sell t-shirts. Clearly this is fundraising.

  21. nonymous said...
    add a #4 to the writers list!!

    why does hoppes and tull ride around in unmarked cars?? they are NOT cops!! makes it easier to use after hours i guess. And why are their windows tinted so black (beyond the legal limit)? Again they are not cops. More proof of abuse and waste of our tax dollars. Fire them all!!

    June 5, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    This is also a true comment and the unmarked cars were done by design.

    They also had the illegal tinting done in Delmar Delaware. They paid city and county tax dollars to a business in Delaware, not Salisbury, Wicomico or the State of Maryland to put illegal dark tint on all the STAFF cars. All, not just the $70,000 SUV's driven by Rick Hoppes and John Tull.

    Your tax dollars were spent in the State of Delaware when they should have been spent in Salisbury. Jim Ireton always brags about "jobs" in Salisbury that he, O'Malley and Obama created, but this certainly hurt jobs in Maryland.

    They all should be fired for these criminal acts. Yes they are criminal in my book.

  22. I see you have posted a video bout the fire department. I viewed it and in no way saw it as firefighters begging for money. It was quite informative and I understand it was done as a college project. Why is it that everything has a plot in your eyes ? Perhaps you should look chief Rickards and Hoppes in the eye and tell them and their men are not needed and are a waste of tax dollars.

  23. Ok here is a thought to ponder. If the letter was dated May 21, 2014 then why was the receive stamp dated June 4, 2014? I assume that is June 4 and not 9 or 94?.

    Ironically the County Council approved the budget on Tuesday June 3, 2014!! SO!!!! Did this letter stay on Rick Pollitt's desk until June 4, ironically a day after the budget is approved by the council or did it actually take 14 days or 2 weeks to get to the Government office building. I mail letters on one day and it typically reaches it's destination the very next day. It looks to me like this is a SHAM done by Rick Pollitt's office. Appears to me that Rick Pollitt hid this from the County Council so that he could get his budget passed.

    Rick Pollitt has worn out his welcome and this is proof that he is a corrupt individual.

    Your only choice is to vote for Bob Culver.

  24. Is ok if a volunteer department self dispatches on EMS calls?

    1. Yes, Allen VFC does it on 100% of their EMS calls.

  25. There are not 60 paid firemen. However there are 60 fire and EMS men and women. We rotate between fire and EMS units. My last shift I was on the fire truck and next shift I am the paramedic on the EMS unit.
    Just want people to understand we do both.

  26. Anyone with a scanner whom listens to SFD can easily recognize that fire equipment is not going to every ambulance call. As stated earlier calls are dispatched A-E depending on the level of call decided by the dispatcher at 911 taking the call. All priority medical calls automatically have fire personnel added to the call per national standard which makes a difference in life safety. Not all calls turn out exactly like the dispatcher dispatches them by the information given therefore fire personnel may not be needed. On the other hand there are many calls where the dispatcher uses the information given sending only the ambulance then arrive to find a serious condition needing fire personnel’s assistance. Nearly all of SFD volunteer and career and most county firefighters are EMT level providers and many are paramedics. Anyone in the fire service knows how important extra hands are when working priority medical calls hence the firefighters support on EMS calls. In addition the fire equipment in the area that responds to a medical emergency that is simple providing the best level of service possible to help a citizen in need. SFD does also self dispatch on medical calls not automatically dispatched on based on the information given on the initial dispatch. Typically these are “D” delta level calls dispatched as such based on the information taken by the 911 dispatcher. Are they always needed? No. Are there many times they are needed? Yes. 911 callers are often exited making it difficult to obtain the correct information or all the information needed nor can the dispatcher see through the telephone as to what is actually going on. As for ambulance billing the fire chief or SFD has nothing to with those monies they go into the black hole down at city hall. Fund raising in Salisbury was stopped in the 1930’s when the city took over funding of the fire department after business men complained the fire department was taking money away from them at the annual carnivals. Yes that could be changed today and some sort of fund raisers could be done throughout the year such as bull roast or crab feasts. Bingo on a weekly basis would be difficult where as so many other organizations are currently doing such fund raisers. Plus add into the equation the call volume, training requirements, meets, drills exc it would put even more strain on volunteers. Career personnel no where in the country that I’m aware of participate in fund raising activities typically as holds true in Salisbury to my knowledge.

  27. First...if there is no fundraising allowed then what is that envelope I get in the mail every year for Salisbury EMS?
    Second...prior to my mother's passing I had to call for an ambulance a number of times. I, (being a former EMT), would tell dispatch to please call ambulance only. My mother only weighed 85 lbs.
    We certainly did not need extra manpower to do any lifting, yet we'd have an ambulance, rescue truck & fire truck pulling up at the house. I can truly appreciate EMS, but that is ridiculous.

  28. This is not a kiddie chat room.

    June 5, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    lmao. good answer Joe. By some of the comments that do get through, I can only imagine all the other bs ones you have to deal with, AND REJECT. lol.

  29. The Genie was let out of the bottle and will not go back in. Paid fire departments never go back to volunteer departments. Eventually, they will force out the volunteers in SBY and go to a fully paid department. Complaining won't do anything. Moving out of SBY and not paying for it will.

  30. Anonymous said...
    I see you have posted a video bout the fire department. I viewed it and in no way saw it as firefighters begging for money. It was quite informative and I understand it was done as a college project. Why is it that everything has a plot in your eyes ? Perhaps you should look chief Rickards and Hoppes in the eye and tell them and their men are not needed and are a waste of tax dollars.

    June 5, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    Call it what you want to call it but it is a ploy to engage the public into begging the city council to hire the unneeded 12 firemen if the grant doesn't go through.

    Joe is on speaking terms with Brian so he doesn't have a problem saying anything to his face. Rick Hoppes is a cut throat POS and Joe isn't afraid to say anything to him as well. Rick Hoppes hates Joe because Joe is smarter than Jim Ireton and can see right through Rick Hoppes and his games. Why don't you go crawl back under your hiding place for the uneducated called a rock.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Is ok if a volunteer department self dispatches on EMS calls?

    June 5, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    They don't do it and if they do it is rarely. To answer your question directly, NO it isn't Ok to dispatch an engine on any call.

  32. "increase and deflate" are contradictory.

  33. Anonymous Sherri said...
    The first thing that jumps off the page is EMS billing pays for SFDs operations. FALSE ! Funds from EMS billing go directly into the Citys general fund account. A black hole that doesn't even fund new ambulances that were worn out. I don't know who wrote this letter, but they certainly do not know the facts of EMS billing.

    June 5, 2014 at 9:27 AM

    You are clueless. These EMS funds were in an EMS enterprise fund until a previous chief conned the Mayor and Council to dissolve the enterprise fund so that this revenue source could be used to give paid firemen and pay increase because they sometimes road on an ambulance. It pay increase didn't help the paramedics at all. This funding is used to pay for the Salisbury Fire Department budget which goes to firefighter salaries and fire department capital projects. If you don't know what you are talking about you need to keep your comments to yourself. It shows your ignorance.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Written and signed? ...by who?

    June 5, 2014 at 8:09 AM

    Who cares, it is spot on except for the term 'deflate.'

  35. Anonymous said...
    Even when told that a fire truck is unnecessary they still send one. Told me they were "in the area". I also saw a fire truck dispatched to a doctor's office for an ambulance call. I understand accidents because a fire could develop but a doctor's office for a heart patient?

    June 5, 2014 at 9:15 AM

    I agree, I see it all the time. Why dispatch or respond a fire truck on an ambulance call to a doctors office or nursing home. They have enough medical help at the location. Especially a heart patient at a cardiologists office. What can a fireman do for a cardiac patient that every employee in a specialty office can do. Face it, self dispatching inflates the call volume and idiots like Jim Ireton think they are responding to 2,986 fires when in reality they are not. In fact they are wasting precious tax money that we worked hard for.

  36. Anonymous said...
    All engines are staffed with a medical provider.
    The writer of this xerox is clueless as to the rest of the haters Of sfd. This topic is getting old and boring. It's time to find real news to talk about on this site . It's a shame when I know This site will bash our fire fighters as quick as Nancy grace blames the parents for every kid disappearance

    June 5, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    A paid firemen is trying to create a distraction to justify his job. No Bozo your excuses and distractions are getting old and boring.

    Who cares if a "medical provider" is staffed on every engine. This doesn't justify sending a half a million dollar fire truck on any ambulance call. A firefighter trained as a basic EMT is nothing. Anyone can become a basic EMT with minimal training. This doesn't qualify you to do anything. As a matter of fact you can be a firefighter EMT in Salisbury and the chances of you getting a real job as a firefighter in a real fire company like Anne Arundel County or Baltimore County is slim to none. If you are a licensed Paramedic your chances would be slightly higher.

  37. Anonymous said...
    First...if there is no fundraising allowed then what is that envelope I get in the mail every year for Salisbury EMS?
    Second...prior to my mother's passing I had to call for an ambulance a number of times. I, (being a former EMT), would tell dispatch to please call ambulance only. My mother only weighed 85 lbs.
    We certainly did not need extra manpower to do any lifting, yet we'd have an ambulance, rescue truck & fire truck pulling up at the house. I can truly appreciate EMS, but that is ridiculous.

    June 5, 2014 at 11:40 AM

    Actually that letter requesting donations is disguised as donations for the Volunteers. That is a lie because the administration ie. Rick Hoppes can't stand the Volunteer or EMS. This donation money is always spent on equipment used for paid firemen.

  38. Anonymous said...
    And open up the city to law suits? I'm sorry but we all know The type of people majority living in salisbury

    June 5, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    And you point is?

    What kind of suits?

  39. 10:39, you are either an idiot or delusional. First, just because a letter is dated does not mean it was mailed that day. You have no way to know when it was mailed, thus no way no way to know when it was received. Second, Pollitt may or may not open the mail and stamp it when received. You don't know that either. If you believe that this is proof of his being a "corrupt individual" you should be looking for a room that comes complete with padding. We get that you want Culver to win. Why don't you find a real reason to support him and not just make sh$t up about his opponent? What a moron!

  40. Why weren't the County Council and City Council cc'd on this? They're the ones who hold the purse strings.

  41. Steve said...

    ... In addition the fire equipment in the area that responds to a medical emergency that is simple providing the best level of service possible to help a citizen in need....

    June 5, 2014 at 11:30 AM


    You mean standing around doing nothing until the ambulance arrives. Yes that is real assuring watching firemen snooping around your living room telling you "the ambulance will be here any minute now."

    You people are nothing but a joke. What would be more assuring is seeing that money fund more ambulance personnel so that we, the citizens don't have to wait for an ambulance. When are our city fathers going to realize the need is for paramedics to transport patients and not pay firemen to sleep all night.

  42. Joe, I think it does matter who wrote it. Only then will you know if this is true or just a way to advance an agenda.


  43. I Love Obama said...
    10:39, you are either an idiot or delusional. First, just because a letter is dated does not mean it was mailed that day. You have no way to know when it was mailed, thus no way no way to know when it was received. Second, Pollitt may or may not open the mail and stamp it when received. You don't know that either. If you believe that this is proof of his being a "corrupt individual" you should be looking for a room that comes complete with padding. We get that you want Culver to win. Why don't you find a real reason to support him and not just make sh$t up about his opponent? What a moron!

    June 5, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    Have you ever noticed that Rick Pollitt and the rest of the Democrats are very hateful and vindictive. They are full of spite and anger and let the dogs out when they can't come up with an appropriate comeback. They are full of hate and anger. As a matter of fact Rick, oops I mean this commenter describes a padded room which they seem to be familiar with.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Why weren't the County Council and City Council cc'd on this? They're the ones who hold the purse strings.

    June 5, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    Maybe they were. I agree that they should have bee copied on this if they weren't.


  45. Anonymous said...
    The Genie was let out of the bottle and will not go back in. Paid fire departments never go back to volunteer departments. Eventually, they will force out the volunteers in SBY and go to a fully paid department. Complaining won't do anything. Moving out of SBY and not paying for it will.

    June 5, 2014 at 12:18 PM

    Actually you make a good point, but if you have been paying attention to the trends around the country a lot of fire departments have been cutting firefighter positions. Don't know yet if they are recruiting volunteer firefighters, but they should.

  46. I want to know where that letter has been for the last 2 weeks. Has it been on Rick Pollitt's desk the whole time? After all he promised to continue funding the fire departments in his budget statement so it is very possible that he had it and released it to the public or the council after the County Council passed the budget. Sounds like dirty politics to me.

    Bob Culver might not be my first choice as a County Executive, but he certainly is the best choice at this point.

    In this upcoming election it would be best to vote Republican.

    Say NO to all Democrats.

  47. Does anyone even think Rick Hoppes was the best choice for Fire Chief?

  48. I'm curious about the vehicles with black windows.. Are they the black govt vehicles being distributed to local gov'ts all over the country, equipped with gps emitters and electronic starting devices, that the feds plan on confiscating and using in the event of a "national emergency"??

  49. Some FD are cutting back but in the land of unlimited taxes, SBY is adding them.

  50. Sometimes the volunteers in Salisbury self dispatch on EMS calls also. I hear them go out on the scanner all the time. I also hear the Allen fire department taking their fire equipment on every ambulance call. This is a waste of county tax money. Guess what Pollitt lives in Allen and knows this goes on.

  51. 1:43 PM the answer is NO!!

    I can think of a couple more people who were more deserving and qualified. Jim Ireton screwed that up.

  52. 2:25 I would prefer the "sometimes the volunteers self dispatch" over the paid firemen self dispatch all the time.

    It is wrong and shouldn't be done. What if someone gets killed while and engine is responding to an EMS call after they self dispatched themselves to a call. I will guarantee if it happens that I will be an expert witness for the victims. If it happens to my family I will not guarantee the safety of the officer, the driver, Rick Hoppes or Jim Ireton for allowing this to go on.

    Rick Pollitt grow some balls and tell them you will not tolerate fire trucks self dispatching themselves on calls. You are in charge of that 911 center and they are costing tax payers money and placing more work and hardship on the 911 dispatchers.

  53. @2:25, you are wrong about Allen taking fire equipment on every ambulance call. No discussion, that's just not true.

  54. In Parsonsburg they all drive personal vehicles to the scene, like ten of them show up. They get there before the ambulance and give false hope to the patient and family, as they cannot do anything until the ambulance gets there.

  55. Not to mention Allen's ambulance is always going to Princess Anne. Our tax money going to another county.

  56. 3:43
    They have issues in that department. I heard them respond with 5 people on the ambulance the other night. How in the heck do you get 5 people in an ambulance and still have room for a patient.

  57. Anonymous said...
    In Parsonsburg they all drive personal vehicles to the scene, like ten of them show up. They get there before the ambulance and give false hope to the patient and family, as they cannot do anything until the ambulance gets there.

    June 5, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    That is another good reason for Wicomico County to create a new department and take over EMS in this county.

  58. TCBM
    Well I for one support what Salisbury is doing to help their citizens. As a county resident/business owner paying county taxes if what I read is true why do departments receive the same amount of funding? How can this be possible with different operating expenses based on the amount of calls? Seems to me the station with less calls would require less funding to operate where as a station with more calls would require more funding to operate. So my questions is what does a little fire department like Powellville I’ll say do with the budget money? Are they bank rolling money making money off my tax dollars when it could be used better elsewhere like public schools? These are questions I would really liked to have answered.

  59. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    nonymous said...
    add a #4 to the writers list!!

    why does hoppes and tull ride around in unmarked cars?? they are NOT cops!! makes it easier to use after hours i guess. And why are their windows tinted so black (beyond the legal limit)? Again they are not cops. More proof of abuse and waste of our tax dollars. Fire them all!!

    June 5, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    This is also a true comment and the unmarked cars were done by design.

    They also had the illegal tinting done in Delmar Delaware. They paid city and county tax dollars to a business in Delaware, not Salisbury, Wicomico or the State of Maryland to put illegal dark tint on all the STAFF cars. All, not just the $70,000 SUV's driven by Rick Hoppes and John Tull.

    Your tax dollars were spent in the State of Delaware when they should have been spent in Salisbury. Jim Ireton always brags about "jobs" in Salisbury that he, O'Malley and Obama created, but this certainly hurt jobs in Maryland.

    They all should be fired for these criminal acts. Yes they are criminal in my book.

    June 5, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    So why does any fire department vehicle need tinted windows or need to be unmarked?? Joe please dig into this!! Make them at least put the SFD logos and marking on the vehicles. That dept is a joke. no chief their could hold a job at a real dept!! Again why tinted windows and why unmarked vehicles?? somebody help me out here!!

  60. TCBM, you are correct. Departments that run less calls have a smaller operating budget. They also bank that extra money, they should be required to give it back to the county. It is the responsibility of the 911 director to oversee these departments. However that is not how it is done in this county. The county departments are overseen by the county chiefs. Where are checks and balances there? It is too political is why it will never change, just look at all those votes from all the volunteer departments. All the county executive and council does is throw money at the problem. What is needed is a executive that will appoint a 911 director that will take over and run the fire departments. They could be run more effiecntly and there is a need for county standards. Also there is too much fire equipment, that could be cut back and save the county money.

  61. The county hands out checks yearly at the annual county fireman’s banquet and washes their hands of any responsibility to do the fire or ems services. That means each station receives the same amount of funding puts it in the bank and sets on it till the need arises to buy a new piece of fire equipment generally writing a check. No matter if that station is the busiest or the slowest station with the least amount of calls. Yes that means those funds have been setting in their bank account not overseen by anyone at the county level collecting interest for the fire department. I don’t blame the fire department I blame the funding mechanism of the county for not being responsible for the county fire service. Wicomico county needs to look at other counties in Maryland for information on funding of emergency services. The time has come for the county to step up and start purchasing fire and ems units based on a time line of usage rather than throw money at fire companies and turning their backs. Maybe it’s time for a county fire administrator or fire chief to oversee where and how county monies are being spent. I for one say the entire funding system is broken.

  62. If you don't like the tax and spend situation in the Bury, then move out of the city!

  63. I agree there has to be a better way of funding volunteer fire companies other than tossing a check in their hands and telling them to go away. Some departments in Wicomico county are under funded based on call volume while others are over funded with large bank accounts. I don’t fault the volunteer fire company’s either I fault the county for not having a responsible funding method to handle the fire service. The biggest out of control problem right now is a paramedic on duty around the clock in the slowest fire stations in the county running less than 10 calls a month. How can that possibly be justified it can’t. Again here is money for a paramedic go away we the county are not responsible. Time for a manager to manage recourses.

  64. It worked on me, I will not support them with another penny until I see clarification from credible sources.

  65. The next step is to move out of Wicomico county. Be smart and get out. Still have multiple properties in the county but no longer pay MD state taxes and selling off all holdings in MD except one waterfront property to visit on occasion.

  66. Yes then those same well funded fire departments do fund raisers and ask for even more money from tax payers. They are greedy always wanting more. Some of these people cannot even manage their own finances and the county gives them hundreds of thousands of dollars to manage as they see fit. With the way the economy is and the county raising taxes, it is time to stop this.

  67. 6:29 Maybe you would like to name these greedy fire departments. If their out doing fund raising to help their communities what is the problem?

  68. TCBM said...
    Well I for one support what Salisbury is doing to help their citizens. As a county resident/business owner paying county taxes if what I read is true why do departments receive the same amount of funding? How can this be possible with different operating expenses based on the amount of calls? Seems to me the station with less calls would require less funding to operate where as a station with more calls would require more funding to operate. So my questions is what does a little fire department like Powellville I’ll say do with the budget money? Are they bank rolling money making money off my tax dollars when it could be used better elsewhere like public schools? These are questions I would really liked to have answered.

    June 5, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    The operating expenses for a small station is the same as the operating expenses for a larger fire department. The only difference is the call volume. The fire trucks cost the same. The ambulances cost the same. The buildings cost the same. Oops... Not really. The Salisbury spent $14,000,000 dollars for a building when the same need for a building in the county would only cost $,000,000. The fire palace wasn't needed.

  69. TCBM said...
    Well I for one support what Salisbury is doing to help their citizens. As a county resident/business owner paying county taxes if what I read is true why do departments receive the same amount of funding? How can this be possible with different operating expenses based on the amount of calls? Seems to me the station with less calls would require less funding to operate where as a station with more calls would require more funding to operate. So my questions is what does a little fire department like Powellville I’ll say do with the budget money? Are they bank rolling money making money off my tax dollars when it could be used better elsewhere like public schools? These are questions I would really liked to have answered.

    June 5, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    I get the feeling that you are a paid fireman since you didn't put your name down. I don't believe a thing you said and I am sure many others don't as well.

  70. Anonymous said...
    TCBM, you are correct. Departments that run less calls have a smaller operating budget. They also bank that extra money, they should be required to give it back to the county. It is the responsibility of the 911 director to oversee these departments. However that is not how it is done in this county. The county departments are overseen by the county chiefs. Where are checks and balances there? It is too political is why it will never change, just look at all those votes from all the volunteer departments. All the county executive and council does is throw money at the problem. What is needed is a executive that will appoint a 911 director that will take over and run the fire departments. They could be run more effiecntly and there is a need for county standards. Also there is too much fire equipment, that could be cut back and save the county money.

    June 5, 2014 at 5:22 PM

    5:22 PM and TCBM are the same commenter.

  71. All I have to say is Kentland 100% volunteer that run three times the calls and their coverage area is twice that of whatSalisbury runs so explain that one

  72. Anonymous chris emtb said...
    All I have to say is Kentland 100% volunteer that run three times the calls and their coverage area is twice that of whatSalisbury runs so explain that one

    June 6, 2014 at 12:40 AM

    You are exactly correct. If Kentland can do it the Salisbury Fire Department can do it. The only difference is the Salisbury Fire Department hasn't tried to do it because King Richard Hopeless the FatOne would be out of a job.

  73. Anonymous said...
    Yes then those same well funded fire departments do fund raisers and ask for even more money from tax payers. They are greedy always wanting more. Some of these people cannot even manage their own finances and the county gives them hundreds of thousands of dollars to manage as they see fit. With the way the economy is and the county raising taxes, it is time to stop this.

    June 5, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    You are 100% correct. The Wicomico County Council and County Executive just throw money at the problem hoping to get votes. They all will be going to the newt Volunteer Fireman's Association this coming Tuesday night in Powellville begging for some votes.

    It's time for the Wicomico County Council and the County Executive to grow some balls and start cutting back on what they give the volunteer fire departments. They give money for the fire trucks, the ambulances and the paramedics. They get paid to hire something like 3 or 4 paramedics per station at $35 per hour and the volunteer stations only pay the part time paramedics $15 per hour and then they pocket the rest of the money. This has been going on for over 12 years.

    Why do you think every station has 2 ambulances, a ladder truck, a rescue truck, a dive truck, a boat, a squad, a fire police truck and numerous fire engines per station. Not only do they have the best of the best they have all the bells and whistles and chromed on top of that. They are nothing but parade pieces that rarely get driven unless they go to a parade.

    The County Council and County Executive are afraid to change this way of doling out money because they are afraid they won't get elected.

  74. Anonymous said...
    Does anyone even think Rick Hoppes was the best choice for Fire Chief?

    June 5, 2014 at 1:43 PM

    No! He was not qualified and the excuse was because he didn't have the required college degree. Then Rick produced this fake degree from a diploma mill and he was then appointed the fire chief after the election when Jake Day got elected. The man had over 20 years to get a degree and he failed. Jim Ireton shot him down several times because he wasn't qualified and was part of the administration that ruined the fire department. Then Jim Ireton wanted to overthrow Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies and started a war with them. The 3 council members who were Jim's biggest supporters. After that Jim Ireton started back pedaling and claiming that it was them who didn't want to hire Rick Hoppes and saying Rick Hoppes was the best choice. Jim Ireton was a two faced liar.

    Why didn't he support Ivan Barkely for Police Chief. (Pssst, because he is black. Remember Lore Chambers? Jim Ireton is racist and hates women.)

  75. Anonymous said...
    I agree there has to be a better way of funding volunteer fire companies other than tossing a check in their hands and telling them to go away. Some departments in Wicomico county are under funded based on call volume while others are over funded with large bank accounts. I don’t fault the volunteer fire company’s either I fault the county for not having a responsible funding method to handle the fire service. The biggest out of control problem right now is a paramedic on duty around the clock in the slowest fire stations in the county running less than 10 calls a month. How can that possibly be justified it can’t. Again here is money for a paramedic go away we the county are not responsible. Time for a manager to manage recourses.

    June 5, 2014 at 5:45 PM

    You are exactly spot on, 100% Correct. The only reason the small fire departments are doing this is because they can get the free money from the county for the paid paramedics and go in the ambulance business. Fruitland and Allan were the last 2 volunteer stations to get into the ambulance business buying used ambulances. They bought the ambulances and got more free money from the County for the ambulance service and then for the paid paramedics. Then they started billing for the ambulance calls and BAMMM! More money to buy nice brand new fire trucks.

    This is a sham and the current County Executive and County Council Members are guilty of this crime.

    This is why Wicomico County should create their own EMS Department. Dorchester, Wicomico, Caroline, Kent, Queen Annes, and Talbot County have been doing it for years. Wicomico County could have a full service EMS Department and save money every year at budget time. They need to take back EMS and do their own billing. This includes taking over the Salisbury Fire Department's EMS territory. Problem solved.

  76. Anonymous said...
    6:29 Maybe you would like to name these greedy fire departments. If their out doing fund raising to help their communities what is the problem?

    June 5, 2014 at 9:00 PM

    If they are out doing fund raising then they shouldn't be slopping at the Government Trough.

  77. Anonymous said...
    @2:25, you are wrong about Allen taking fire equipment on every ambulance call. No discussion, that's just not true.

    June 5, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    Now you are wrong. I see it happen every time they have a call. They do it to get their thrill running lights and sirens to calls because they rarely get a fire call. If you think Salisbury rarely gets a fire call then what do you think it is like in Allan and Powellville.

  78. Anon 8;44 Kentland has 1 station that is staffed by Volunteers 33. The ambulance is staffed by career personnel. The Volunteers rightfully refused to have anything to do with an ambulance. The did so because their members had no interest in being a taxi driver for the locals. Salisbury has 3 stations, 8000 plus ambulance runs and 3000 fire runs. Turn your Volunteer service loose whenever your ready.

  79. 9:15,NO,you are wrong. I see it with MY own eyes. Maybe you should get your glasses fixed. And stop being bitter. If you can't spell Allen, then you certainly don't live there.

  80. Yes Kentland does it, however Salisbury is a whole different make up. It would have maybe worked years ago. Salisbury is becoming mostly renters who could care less about anything. These people will not want to be apart of anything for free. Anybody can come join now, they choose not to. All of you on here saying can work, why are you not volunteering? Instead of talking about, go and give it a try. Remember it is not for everyone. Still go give it a try.

  81. Anonymous said...
    Yes Kentland does it, however Salisbury is a whole different make up. It would have maybe worked years ago. Salisbury is becoming mostly renters who could care less about anything. These people will not want to be apart of anything for free. Anybody can come join now, they choose not to. All of you on here saying can work, why are you not volunteering? Instead of talking about, go and give it a try. Remember it is not for everyone. Still go give it a try.

    June 6, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    Another clueless MORON!! The area surrounding Kentland is all rental housing and all of their members spend the nights in the station either full time or on their duty nights. It would be a perfect fit for Salisbury.

  82. Anonymous said...
    9:15,NO,you are wrong. I see it with MY own eyes. Maybe you should get your glasses fixed. And stop being bitter. If you can't spell Allen, then you certainly don't live there.

    June 6, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    Who gives a flying Rats @ss how you spell that arm pit of Wicomico County. They shouldn't have a fire department or an ambulance service. It is nothing but hobby and a money making scam for the AllAn voluntir Far cumpknee. You people are losers. Just move to Somerset County and take that overweight Rick Pollitt with you.

  83. Twister said...
    Anon 8;44 Kentland has 1 station that is staffed by Volunteers 33. The ambulance is staffed by career personnel. The Volunteers rightfully refused to have anything to do with an ambulance. The did so because their members had no interest in being a taxi driver for the locals. Salisbury has 3 stations, 8000 plus ambulance runs and 3000 fire runs. Turn your Volunteer service loose whenever your ready.

    June 6, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    There are not 3000 fire runs. There are 2,986 fire engine response chasing an ambulance.

    I say do away with the self dispatching, do away with the "medical assists" and do away with dispatching fire engines on MVC's unless it is a reported rescue. Then get out and recruit more volunteers to handle what is left of the call volume which would amount to about 300 calls per year. Problem solved.

  84. How does anyone compare Kentland in PG County to the Salisbury Fire Department, I guess you went to the website and decided Salisbury could buy a mini-pumper and be just like 33! Ask anyone with a PG ID# how many medical locals the Engine Companies run. While you are up in PG county inside the beltway look and see where all the volunteers are from, trust me they don't live inside the beltway! Do you guys even have PG ID #s? While you are at 33 buy some shirts they need a new Rescue Engine or maybe a tandem axle rescue squad for all the cut jobs on the Beltway south of Central Ave.

  85. My Hero said...

    How does anyone compare Kentland in PG County to the Salisbury Fire Department, I guess you went to the website and decided Salisbury could buy a mini-pumper and be just like 33! Ask anyone with a PG ID# how many medical locals the Engine Companies run. While you are up in PG county inside the beltway look and see where all the volunteers are from, trust me they don't live inside the beltway! Do you guys even have PG ID #s? While you are at 33 buy some shirts they need a new Rescue Engine or maybe a tandem axle rescue squad for all the cut jobs on the Beltway south of Central Ave.

    June 6, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    Who was comparing Salisbury to Kentland? What a MORON!! Is someone supposed to be impressed that you have a PG ID #! WOW I will be envying you the rest of my life. You are a Farmin who rides on a PG Far truk.

  86. WoW, 12:33, you REALLY need some anger management. You must have failed your test to become a firefighter. It's obvious you don't live in Allen and thank GOD for that. We love our fire company and are grateful for the service they provide. Take your sour grapes and go somewhere, anywhere that will welcome you. Good luck with that.


  87. Fire Company Hillbilly from Allan said...

    WoW, 12:33, you REALLY need some anger management. You must have failed your test to become a firefighter. It's obvious you don't live in Allen and thank GOD for that. We love our fire company and are grateful for the service they provide. Take your sour grapes and go somewhere, anywhere that will welcome you. Good luck with that.

    June 6, 2014 at 5:26 PM

  88. This so called HUGE EYE OPENER will never appear in the DT without a signature. Pollitt , Ireton nor Holloway will put any credence in the letter without a signature. Who knows if Hoppes will receive a CC since the writer is clueless on how to spell the Fire Chief's name. Therefore IMO the writer is not a Fireman.

    I see a lot of mis-informed comments by viewers - now the real question is - Is it intentional or uneducated because viewers cannot be bothered to look up procedure (also known as regulations)

  89. Anonymous said...
    This so called HUGE EYE OPENER will never appear in the DT without a signature. Pollitt , Ireton nor Holloway will put any credence in the letter without a signature. Who knows if Hoppes will receive a CC since the writer is clueless on how to spell the Fire Chief's name. Therefore IMO the writer is not a Fireman.

    I see a lot of mis-informed comments by viewers - now the real question is - Is it intentional or uneducated because viewers cannot be bothered to look up procedure (also known as regulations)

    June 8, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    I am sure it did get to Hoppes. I think what you are seeing is a u when it should be an o for the last name. I thought the same thing, but it may look like a u because of the way the copy is messed up.

  90. None of the county council members or the County Executive will touch this because they think these fireman might not vote for them. I've got news for you if you do put an end to this and take the county fire and EMS calls from Salisbury and give it to the closest volunteer companies in the County I am sure they would get more votes.

    These elected clowns in the county need to get some balls and take control of Fire and EMS.

  91. And Laura Mitchell is running for the Wicomico County Council and wants to rape the tax payers of the County at the same time.



    City Council Vice President Laura Mitchell

    I expect the county to lead in making sure that the service we provide for them is paid for,” said Mayor Ireton.

  92. They should do something creative with their money. They should invest in the community. Perhaps rebuild the fire station behind Ponzetti's. Something the community can support.

  93. Why does the fire department need a paid assistant fire chief to drive in a $100,000 SUV. Why are tax payers paying for this guy to sleep all night? Speaking of guys why aren't there any female fire officers? Why aren't there any black fire officers? None in the paid or volunteer ranks. Now who is the racist!!

  94. Oh course the Salisbury Fire Departments need more money. How in the world do you expect them to support their fire fighters if you don't increase their funding. At Station 2 right now there is a fire fighter that has lived there for 2 years. He lives there so his wife can collect Social Service benefits. The fire department knows this along with all the other fire fighers and yet it is allowed. So in my opion, we should give them more money and raise my taxes so they can help defraud the government, or allow their fire fighters to do so, which is costing me money again. The fire stations in this area have needed a good cleaning for a long time and I think someone should stand up and do it.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.


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