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Monday, May 05, 2014

Worcester County Man Charged With Child Porn

BALTIMORE (AP) -- Federal officials say a Worcester County man has been indicted on child pornography charges.

Forty-one-year-old Laiton Witkowski of Stockton was indicted Thursday on charges of production, distribution and possession of child pornography.

According to the 7-count indictment, Witkowski produced images of two minor females engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Prosecutors say the images were apparently taken without the girls' knowledge.



  1. Freak... Someone needs to cut his little wanger off. But wait! The UN might not like it.

  2. Keep worrying about the gays, while the true devils lay with you.

  3. I always see people getting arrested for child porn. My question is how do the police find out? Is it a setup? Does someone inform the police? Aside from that, good work guys.

  4. @9:08 I can answer that! I know because I just watched it happen! The police happen upon one person usually by accident - then they roll that person to snitch on the others. So all the ones that you have watched get busted since January in this area - were snitched out! How do I know this? My next door neighbor was the one that they accidentally happened upon. The police raided his house, locked him up, got all the information they wanted or needed, locked up all the ones that he snitched out, and prosecuted them to the fullest. You wanta know what happened to the SNITCH? All charges against him were NOLLE PROSCUTE and he was released! I know, I know what you are saying - Yeah that is what they do with snitches. HERE IS THE KICKER - THIS IS THE SECOND TIME HE WAS CHARGES WITH AN OFFENSE AGAINST A CHILD!!!!! So the police get their info, and lock up a few, but are still letting people like this walk free and do what they want! Protect your children yourself because the police and judiciary system DO NOT!!!!!!!!


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