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Monday, May 05, 2014

Why the White House is Desperate to Bury Benghazi

Cover-up is about shielding details of arms smuggling to terrorists in Syria

Amidst new revelations concerning emails that show the Obama administration conspired to create a phony narrative around the Benghazi attacks, the true purpose behind the cover-up is being obfuscated – the fact that an annex near the U.S. embassy was being used by the CIA to transfer surface to air missiles to terrorists in Syria.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today issued a subpoena for Secretary of State John Kerry to testify before the committee on May 21 about Benghazi following the release of emails by Judicial Watch which show that the White House crafted a deceptive policy to falsely frame the attack as a spontaneous protest sparked by a YouTube video in order to protect Barack Obama’s image.

Lost in the haze of claims and counter claims is the real reason why the White House is desperate to prevent the attack from coming under any further scrutiny – because it would likely reveal an arms smuggling scandal that could rival Iran-Contra.



  1. the Dems are already saying they won't participate.. this could get real interesting.

  2. First really good idea they've had in years.I'm more concerned about the dead Navy Seals. The joke is on the Republicans anyway.Look how many atrocities Democrats have slipped by us while we were fully focused on Benghazi.


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